Santa Cruz Land Title Company

Santa Cruz Land Title Company, located at 22-24 Cooper. The Company was established in 1897 by Frank Mattison (County Assessor), Elliott Davis Perry (County Surveyor), and Will C. Hoffman. Various individuals have held an interest in the Company, including Hugh S. Gordon, Harold O. Heiner, and Annie McCaskill. In 1974, Western Title Company bought Santa Cruz Land Title.

Source of information: Written on front of photo

Directories 1921 and 1922

Sentinel December 1, 1974
Date: June, 1923
  • Santa Cruz (City)
  • 1920s
Rights: This photograph/postcard is the property of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries, California.

Restrictions on Use
Identifier: LH-0531

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“Santa Cruz Land Title Company.” June, 1923. SCPL Local History. Accessed 23 Dec. 2024.