San Lorenzo Tannery employees

San Lorenzo Tannery employees posed for a group photo. Jakob Kron purchased an interest in the Grove Tannery in 1866. He purchased it outright in 1867 for $5,500. By 1890 A.C. Kron and Company was manufacturing products worth $160,000 a year. When Jakob Kron died in 1879, the business passed to his wife Anna and their three sons.

Source of information: Jeremy Lezin

Articles on this website, see links below
Date: ca. 1897
  • Santa Cruz (City)
  • 1890s
Rights: This photograph is the property of the Lezin Family and is displayed here with their permission.

Restrictions on Use
Identifier: LH-salz-036


“San Lorenzo Tannery employees.” ca. 1897. SCPL Local History. Accessed 6 Oct. 2024.