Miss California Pageant contest on the Boardwalk beach bandstand

Miss California Pageant contest on the Boardwalk beach bandstand. From its start in 1924 until 1985, the pageant was held in Santa Cruz. The contestants (l. to r.) represent the cities of Pacific Grove, Santa Rosa, Alameda, Lodi, Stockton, ? Mission, Vallejo, Fresno, Oakland, and Santa Cruz.

Source of information: Staff


Article on this website, see link below
Date: ca. 1937
  • Santa Cruz (City)
  • 1930s
Rights: This photograph/postcard is the property of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries, California.

Restrictions on Use
Identifier: LH-0185


“Miss California Pageant contest on the Boardwalk beach bandstand.” ca. 1937. SCPL Local History. https://history.santacruzpl.org/omeka/items/show/9449. Accessed 19 Oct. 2024.