Storm Views Photographed

Santa Cruz Evening News, November 4, 1925, p.9STORM VIEWS PHOTOGRAPHED

Bob Jones, proprietor of the St. George Hotel, through whose efforts the filming of Fox's "Johnstown Flood" in Santa Cruz was made possible, spent all of Monday in the nearby mountains in company with the company's photographer taking views of cloud and storm effects made available through the recent temporarily unsettled climatic conditions.

Director Irving Cummings of the unit filming the flood story was especially desirous of obtaining such views for purposes of study in connection with the filmatization of the storm shortly before the breaking of the flood proper."

Source: Santa Cruz Evening News , page 9
Date: 1925-11-04
Coverage: 1920s
Rights: Copyrighted by the Santa Cruz Evening News. Reproduced by permission.
Identifier: LN-1925-11-04-1181



“Storm Views Photographed.” Santa Cruz Evening News , page 9. 1925-11-04. SCPL Local History. Accessed 10 Sep. 2024.