Santa Cruz Film Attracts Huge Audiences At Both Movie Houses; Work Of Chamber Emphasized

Greeted by overflowing attendance at both local theaters last evening, the new Santa Cruz film, "The Somewhere Of Your Dreams," sponsored by the local Chamber of Commerce, was given its first public presentations. The two-reel movie production, by, of and for Santa Cruz, was accorded the applause of satisfaction by a well pleased citizenry, who were brought into more intimate accord with the scenic wonders and natural advantages of the city and county in which they reside.

Preceding the first run at the New Santa Cruz Theater, Secretary Harry H. Main of the Chamber of Commerce, delivered a short address, while H. R. Judah, Jr., C. of C. President, held the platform in a similar capacity at the Unique.

In introducing the exploitation film which is destined to travel far and wide as a silent messenger, spreading the gospel of the City of the Holy Cross and her environment to the nation, Mr. Main took occasion to refer to a number of the activities and accomplishments, for city betterment, of the C. of C. during the past year. Mr. Main first called attention to the efficient work of the C. of C. advertising committee, under Chairman Samuel Leask, Jr., by which publicity matter has been placed in practically all of the larger city daily papers of importance, and the service of the Foster & Reynolds advertising agency, besides numerous other equally effective mediums of a similar character.

He also touched upon the publicity benefits derived from the Los Angeles campaign last winter, and stated that during the coming winter term he would again be on duty there.

The successful activities of the Chamber in behalf of the Los Gatos and Big Tree Highways, together with the effective action of the local Skyline Boulevard Committee, were mentioned.

Regarding conventions it was recalled how activities in this direction had caused a continuance of good business all through the usually slack months of September and October and March and April, and though the cost of these had been but $2200, Santa Cruz is now recognized as a most desirable convention city.

The Chamber has been markedly successful in the promotion of effective holiday celebrations attendant upon the visit of the fleet. Just credit should also be given for assistance rendered strangers for housing accommodations secured during rush periods.

The speaker made reference to the building boom of the past year, which the Chamber has aided and abetted in many ways. Included upon this list of results: 250 dwellings, all classes, amounting to over $1,000,000; 350 new water connections; 250 new telephones; 25 miles paved streets; new $150,000 bridge over San Lorenzo River at Soquel Avenue.

The California Farm Bureau Egg-Laying Contest, another C. of C. child, is one of our best advertisements. Among other things made possible through C. of C. effort, the following were mentioned: extra train service restored, curtailing of motor freight lines over Los Gatos Highway, extra music at beach, receptions to conventions, employment bureau at C. of C., information bureau uptown and at the beach.

For the year, 12,000 letters were mailed out and 16,000 pieces of literature were passed over the counter.

"The Somewhere Of Your Dreams," thrown on the screen, to life residents was a delight. To those unaccustomed to beauty of the Santa Cruz type, it will be a dream vision indeed.

From mountains to beach, from stream to redwoods--scenery, drives, industries, poultry and all are shown, grouped in a most pleasing manner, and drawn more closely together by an entirely adequate set of cleverly written sub-titles. The photography throughout is of a high order and R. B. Hooper is credited on the screen as the "man behind the gun."

Supreme shots of dashing waves along the coast line, followed by wonderful highway and, later, Big Basin scenes, added materially toward making our surroundings more delectable to those already residing here. The story of Santa Cruz on the screen should prove an irresistible magnet to outsiders who will ultimately view it.

"The Somewhere Of Your Dreams" will be released through the Bureau of Economics at Washington, D. C.

Announcement has been made by Manager Frank Macauley of the Unique Theater that he will show the film again tonight, by special arrangement.


Creator: Preston Sawyer
Source: Santa Cruz Evening News , page 1
Date: 1922-10-24
Coverage: 1920s
Rights: Copyrighted by the Santa Cruz Evening News. Reproduced by permission.
Identifier: LN-1922-10-24-1146



Sawyer, Preston. “Santa Cruz Film Attracts Huge Audiences At Both Movie Houses; Work Of Chamber Emphasized.” Santa Cruz Evening News , page 1. 1922-10-24. SCPL Local History. Accessed 3 Oct. 2024.