Mary Pickford In Person At Santa Cruz
Will Be Here in a Few Days for Scenes in Freckles

Morris Zimmerman, director of locations for the Laskey Company, arrived at Casa del Rey yesterday and is arranging for the coming of Mary Pickford in a few days with a cast of 40 or 50 from the Laskey studios at Los Angeles. The company is at work on the story, "Freckles."

Mr. Zimmerman was out today with Mayor F. R. Howe and Edgar M. Wilson looking over places for logging camp and swamp scenes, part of this play. They were not only looking after these scenes, but were taken to Cowell's cave, and if the cave proves to be what is desired for the cave scene, not only Mary Pickford, but Jack Pickford also, will be here.

The Laskeys were here before and staged "The Trail Of The Lonesome Pine."

Source: Santa Cruz Daily Surf , page 3
Date: 1917-02-26
Coverage: 1910s
Rights: Copyrighted by the Santa Cruz Daily Surf. Reproduced by permission.
Identifier: LN-1917-02-26-1063



“Mary Pickford In Person At Santa CruzWill Be Here in a Few Days for Scenes in Freckles.” Santa Cruz Daily Surf , page 3. 1917-02-26. SCPL Local History. Accessed 16 Mar. 2025.