Movie People At Big Basin
Fox Juvenile Company in the Wood; Robards Put on Scene

The Fox juvenile party who are to put on the "Babes in the Woods," left by auto at an early hour from Casa del Rey for the Big Basin, where scenes of this pleasing and favorite children's play will be enacted. The cast will make the trip to and from the place daily.

Those here with this company are Mrs. E. I. de Rue and daughter, A. R. Lee, Raymond Lee, J. A. Harry Lee, Walter E. Williams, Elsa Sargent and son, Theodore Billings, Mrs. Carpenter and son, Mrs. H. B. Messenger, Marie and Bud Messenger, Mrs. E. Dunwiddie and son, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Frank, Mr. and Mrs. I. Franklin, Mrs. H. Radcliff, Violet Radcliff, Mrs. G. A. Grant, Joseph Grant, James Wright, Ward Lasalle, Grace Wilson, Frank Good, Mrs. L. E. Corbin, Ruth and Virginia Corbin, Mrs. Rose Perl, Lloyd Perl, H. Gustad, Charles Pincus, Morris Share, Nathan Weiss, J. W. Hull, G. H. Gorman and J. A. Boekey.

Ponies Shipped to Boulder Creek

The Shetland ponies from the Fox studio in Los Angeles were shipped this morning from the station to Boulder Creek and will be taken to the Big Basin, where they will take part in "Babes in the Woods."

Source: Santa Cruz Daily Surf , page 8
Date: 1917-03-27
Coverage: 1910s
Rights: Copyrighted by the Santa Cruz Daily Surf. Reproduced by permission.
Identifier: LN-1917-03-27-1058



“Movie People At Big BasinFox Juvenile Company in the Wood; Robards Put on Scene.” Santa Cruz Daily Surf , page 8. 1917-03-27. SCPL Local History. Accessed 17 Mar. 2025.