Selig Players Are Here
With Them Are Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez and Nat Cogley, Well-Known Here

Nine of the leading players of the Selig Polyscope Company, from the Edenvale studio in southern California, arrived in Santa Cruz this morning and registered at the Waldo. Their names are as follows: Bessie Eyton, Eydney Ayres, F. W. Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. George Hernandez, Herbert Rawlinson, Alvin Wyckoff, Nat Cogley and Manager Francis Boggs. J. L. McGee, the Pacific coast representative registered yesterday so the company is complete and ready for their outdoor dramatic work which, according to Mr. McGee, will start tomorrow.

A News man had a pleasant little talk with Mr. Hernandez this morning. He is no stranger to Santa Cruz, having with his wife lived in this county at one time. He has been on the stage a long time, in fact when Mr. Ayres, the leading man with the company which arrived this morning played the part of Little Lord Fauntleroy in the play of that name years ago at the old Peoples Theater in Oakland, Mr. Hernandez played the part of the earl.

"We are going to play the outside scenes of a drama while here," said Mr. Hernandez, "using the ox teams on the Cowell property in our work. Five of the interior scenes of this play we have already enacted at the Edenvale studio down south and we have come to Santa Cruz to finish the story. Mr. Boggs, who is with us, is one of the biggest men in the motion picture business in the country. He has the reputation of putting on the first successful western border drama ever produced in film. The motion picture business has made marvelous strides in the last few years. The skill of the actors and actresses has very much improved, the actors are well paid, and can work fifty-two weeks in the year and have none of the night work that was necessary on the stage.

"Our plant at Edenvale is a $100,000 investment and occupies a quarter of a block. There is nothing like it anywhere in the west. Miss Eyton, who is with us on this trip, is the wife of the well-known manager of the Burbank Theater in Los Angeles."

Source: Santa Cruz Evening News , page 2
Date: 1911-09-28
Coverage: 1910s
Rights: Copyrighted by the Santa Cruz Evening News. Reproduced by permission.
Identifier: LN-1911-09-28-1057



“Selig Players Are HereWith Them Are Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez and Nat Cogley, Well-Known Here.” Santa Cruz Evening News , page 2. 1911-09-28. SCPL Local History. Accessed 17 Mar. 2025.