We Are Discovered By The Selig Company
Company of Thirty Players of The Selig Playscope Company Due Here
This Week To Create Dramas and Comedies in Motion Pictures
in This Neighborhood--Nick Coghlan Among Them.

Santa Cruz has drawn the attention of crowned heads, presidents in some quantity, and is yearly becoming known to thousands of visitors, not only from California, but from all corners of the United States and of Europe; but even the motion-picture men have sought us out and before this week has sped a company of about thirty players of the Selig Photoscope Company will arrive and, using our truly artistic and romantic mountain, stream and bay settings will deduce from their combination with the "atmosphere" obtained many dramas, tragedies, and comedies of the west.

J. L. McGee, the Pacific-coast representative of the Selig people, registered at the Waldo yesterday and has been busy yesterday and today making preliminary arrangements for the players who are due Wednesday or Thursday. Swift Train was out all day yesterday assisting Mr. McGee in his work. The latter gentleman visited the San Vicente lumber mill this morning and has obtained permission from the Cowells for the use of their beautiful property which lies back of the city for some of their hair-breadth escapes on horseback and settings for ambush and other "outside" features of motion picture work.

The privilege of using the famous ox teams owned by the Cowell Lime and Cement Company in some of the dramas to be staged on the hills has also been obtained.

The company of players which is due to arrive this week includes in its personnel Nick Coghlan, who played for some time in this city with Leo Christal Bell, and who has been a Selig player for some time, and who has been recognized many times in Santa Cruz on the screen while acting his parts. The company comes direct from southern California, where they have been turning out light and shadow plays for some time at their studio in Edenvale and in the surrounding country."

Source: Santa Cruz Evening News , page 6
Date: 1911-09-25
Coverage: 1910s
Rights: Copyrighted by the Santa Cruz Evening News. Reproduced by permission.
Identifier: LN-1911-09-25-1053



“We Are Discovered By The Selig CompanyCompany of Thirty Players of The Selig Playscope Company Due Here This Week To Create Dramas and Comedies in Motion Pictures in This Neighborhood--Nick Coghlan Among Them.” Santa Cruz Evening News , page 6. 1911-09-25. SCPL Local History. https://history.santacruzpl.org/omeka/items/show/134744. Accessed 18 Mar. 2025.