Let's Deport All Japanese

Offering a solution of the Japanese problem, which will confront us after the war, Roy W. Tarleton, born in Santa Cruz, graduate of the local schools and now mayor of the City of Compton, suggested here last week that Congress disinfranchise Japanese citizens of this country and DEPORT ALL JAPANESE either to Japan or to some island possession of the United States.

Mayor Tarleton is well qualified to speak on the subject since the greater part of the 93,000 Japanese in California are centered in the southern part of the state, with many in the vicinity of Compton. His suggestion, made in a brief talk before the Lions club here last Thursday, was from a recent radio talk he made in Compton and brought many favorable comments.

Mayor Tarleton said he believed the status of the Japanese in this country would be untenable after the war due to the bitterness and hatred toward them for their treachery. He further pointed out that the Japanese race is completely unassimilable with the white race and that this nation would be better off without them, for their own good as well as ours.

Now, of course, there will be those who will argue that our constitution says there shall be no discrimination "because of race, color or previous condition of servitude."

While all that is a beautiful ideal, we in this country must be realistic. Not one of those who would disagree with the idea of disinfranchising the Japanese and deporting them, would be willing for their children to intermarry with the Japs. It simply cannot be done.

Furthermore, since Pearl Harbor, the percentage of loyalty of the Japs has been found to be at an extreme low.

This nation has been entirely too lenient in years past, and it is time we become realistic.

Let us have no Japanese problem after this war. DEPORT THEM ALL. It will be better for all concerned."

Source: Riptide , page 2
Date: 1942-04-03
Coverage: 1940s
Rights: Copyrighted by the Riptide. Reproduced by permission.
Identifier: LN-1942-04-03-898



“Let's Deport All Japanese[Editorial].” Riptide , page 2. 1942-04-03. SCPL Local History. https://history.santacruzpl.org/omeka/items/show/134589. Accessed 29 Sep. 2024.