Local Alien Reaction To Removal

New Action Follows Justice Dept. Moves

Santa Cruz' many Japanese, Italian and German aliens did not look too happily Friday upon threat of their forced removal from vital areas, which undoubtedly would include Santa Cruz, and subsequent action today which would restrict their holding of lands and possibility of revoking all their business and professional licenses.

Removal areas have already been established for such aliens in San Francisco and Los Angeles. A total of 27 other west coast "forbidden" areas were to have been established in Washington today, but a 1 p.m. United Press bulletin declared the information was delayed.


Spokesman for local Japanese aliens, Tommy Kadotani, businessman and an alien himself, declared the possible removal a "tough proposition" and "not a happy prospect."

Kadotani is president of the Japanese association here and is fully recognized as spokesman. He had been an organizer of the earlier meeting here of businessmen and officials with Japanese leaders to insure friendly relations despite the war.

"I hope it doesn't come," he said, "but if it does we'll abide by the rules and take it."

He estimated at least one or two in every local Japanese family would be affected since the parents are almost entirely of Japanese birth.


While American-Japanese of age to support themselves would probably remain here, he surmised that minor children would go with the parents.

Full information on whether or not Santa Cruz is to be included in the forbidden area, and how great will be the restrictions, will be released in Washington shortly.


Italian fishermen at the wharf who would be affected by such an order are "taking it on the chin like real men," a spokesman for them, Robbie Ghio of Santa Cruz Fisheries, said.

"Their reaction is that they'll take it just the way it comes. They're giving their flesh and blood to the navy and their money to the government, but what the government says they'll do."

First indication of government action concerning aliens came Thursday night when the Justice department, in a move to prevent espionage and fifth column activity similar to that preceding Pearl Harbor, set in motion a plan to remove 836,000 enemy aliens residing in vital defense areas in the eight far western states.

If Santa Cruz is included in the eviction area, the aliens here must move by Feb. 15.

Meantime Gov. Culbert Olson today announced he would seek federal approval of a drastic executive order to revoke all business and professional licenses of enemy aliens in California and prevent issuance of any further licenses to such persons.


The governor revealed he has already placed such orders in effect for the state department of agriculture handling of food products licenses. Every state department will be surveyed and action taken immediately, he said.

During a meeting of his executive council, the governor also said he would ask the state council of defense to take an affirmative stand against the reopening of foreign-language schools conducted prior to wartime by the Japanese, Italian and German peoples.

The governor also sought cooperation of state department heads in enforcing the orders of the state personnel board to check up on citizens descended from enemy nations holding state positions.

The board orders also stop certifications of eligibles to state civil service jobs and will prevent such persons from taking examinations.


Japanese land holdings in Santa Cruz, along with the rest of California are included in investigations being planned by state organizations.

Possibility was seen that the state attorney general's office would direct a test case attacking title to California lands, particularly ranches and produce farms, held by American-born Japanese.

Attorney General Francis Biddle has ordered Japanese, German and Italian aliens out of two areas in San Francisco and Los Angeles by Feb. 24. Today he will designate 27 additional areas from which they will be evicted by Feb. 15, and within a few days will apply the restrictions to several more sections of the west.

Chairman Martin Dies, D., Tex., of the house committee on un-American activities, who in a house speech two days ago predicted a "tragedy on the west coast that will make Pearl Harbor sink into insignificance," endorsed the justice department's action. He added, however, that some means must be devised for dealing with naturalized Germans and Italians who have become active in Nazi and Fascist activities on the Pacific coast.

On the basis of the 1940 alien registration the aliens resident in the eight western states affected - California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Nevada and Arizona - represent one-tenth of the Japanese, German and Italian aliens living in the United States.

The greatest number reside in California where 52,000 Italians, 38,787 Japanese and 19,417 Germans were registered. Washington ranked next with 5958 Japanese, 3911 Italians and 2937 Germans.

The other states reported registered enemy aliens as follows: Oregon, 1849 Germans, 1960 Italians and 1777 Japanese; Montana, 526 Germans, 536 Italians and 296 Japanese; Idaho, 386 Germans, 278 Italians and 449 Japanese; Utah, 834 Germans, 969 Italians and 933 Japanese; Nevada, 901 Germans, 1034 Italians and 258 Japanese; and Arizona, 209 Germans, 209 Italians and 221 Japanese.


Santa Cruz aliens would have to shift for themselves in most cases where they were removed, but where extreme hardships were involved governmental agencies probably would give some assistance.

The San Francisco area from which enemy aliens were barred covered the Embarcadero and the entire water front from China Basin to the Presidio reservation boundary line. The Los Angeles area is a rectangle including the municipal airport and is bounded by the shore line on the west, Rosecrans avenue on the south, Western avenue on the east and Manchester avenue on the north."

Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel-News, Evening Edition , page 1
Date: 1942-01-30
Coverage: 1940s
Rights: Copyrighted by the Santa Cruz Sentinel-News, Evening Edition. Reproduced by permission.
Identifier: LN-1942-01-30-864



“Local Alien Reaction To Removal.” Santa Cruz Sentinel-News, Evening Edition , page 1. 1942-01-30. SCPL Local History. https://history.santacruzpl.org/omeka/items/show/134555. Accessed 16 Mar. 2025.