New Rule Affects Aliens Here

Must Apply To Local P.O. February 2-7

All Santa Cruz Japanese, German and Italian aliens, 14 years and over, today were ordered by proclamation of Gov. Culbert Olson to apply to this post office during the period Feb. 2-7 for certificates of identification.

Olson's proclamation followed a similar one by President Roosevelt. Dates for the alien registration period were designated by the Department of Justice.

The registrants, technically known as enemy aliens, may apply to their nearest first or second class or county seat post offices.

They must present their alien registration receipt together with three unmounted photographs of themselves, size 2 by 2 inches, with a light background, printed on thin paper. The alien should be photographed from a front view, without a hat. Photographs must be taken within 30 days of the time the registrant applies.


Aliens may be accompanied by a relative or friend to the post office. If they cannot write, they are advised to be accompanied by someone who writes plainly. If such a person is not available, the alien will be assisted by post office clerks.

Certificates of identification will be delivered to the registrants personally at their homes. To facilitate delivery and acceptance the registrant is asked to cooperate with post office carriers.

"The requirements should involve no expense to the aliens except for the photographs," the proclamation said in part. "It is not necessary to pay any person or organization for assistance. . . . Complete instructions for filing applications are available at all post offices."

Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel-News, Evening Edition , page 1
Date: 1942-01-29
Coverage: 1940s
Rights: Copyrighted by the Santa Cruz Sentinel-News, Evening Edition. Reproduced by permission.
Identifier: LN-1942-01-29-863



“New Rule Affects Aliens Here.” Santa Cruz Sentinel-News, Evening Edition , page 1. 1942-01-29. SCPL Local History. Accessed 16 Mar. 2025.