SHIPPY, MINERT M (1840 - 1920)
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Sawtelle Soldiers Home RecordsNAME: Minert M Shippy
REGISTER #: 9384
Military History
RANK/CO/UNIT: Pvt/Co B/12th MI Infantry
ENLISTMENT: 1861/10/21 Benton MI
DISCHARGED: 1863/12/27 Little Rock AK To reenlist
RE-ENLISTMENT: 1863/12/28 Little Rock
RANK/CO/UNIT: Cpl/Co B/12th MI Infantry
DISCHARGED: 1866/02/15 Camden AK
Domestic History
BORN: 1840? NY
AGE: 68
HT/CMP/EYE/HR: 6'/Dk, Bk, Bk/Literate
RELIGION: Protestant
NEXT OF KIN: Minnie Shippy (wife), Santa Cruz CA
Home History
ADMISSION: 1909/04/05, 1915/03/25, 1919/04/25
DISCHARGED: 1909/05/03 Own Request, 1915/05/15 Own Request
DATE OF DEATH: 1920/01/01
CAUSE OF DEATH: Chronic myocarditis
General Remarks
PENSION CERT: #977,061
BURIAL INFO: not noted
Santa Cruz Sentinel (January 11, 1920)
Burial of M.M. Shippy
Word has been received of the death of M.M. Shippy, who for many years was a resident of Santa Cruz and vicinity. Mr. Shippy passed away Jan 1, 1920 at the advanced age of 79 years. After a short service by the Odd Fellows of which he was a member he was given a military burial at Sawtelle. Besides a wife he is survived by a daughter. Mr. H.E. Woolever of Santa Ana and two sons. He also has two brothers, Geo. M. Shippy of Santa Cruz and a brother in the East.
Date of Birth: 1840
Date of Death: 1920-01-01
County: Los Angeles
Cemetery/City of Burial: Los Angeles National
Plot: 39/G/10
Mortuary: SH
Cause of Death: Hrt/Related
Spouse: (Shippy)_ Mary
Occupation: Farmer
Religion: Pr
Height: 6'
Complexion: Dk
Eye Color: Bk
Hair Color: Bk
Local Address: May St. 74
Last City: Happy Valley 08
Native of: NY
Enlisted: 1861/10/21
Discharged: 1866/02/15
Military Unit: MI_ 12 Inf_ Co B
Rank: Cpl
Military Notes: R-BntnP-Shlh&Mddlbrg TN
GAR#: WR32
Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
California Death Index
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records
Sawtelle Soldiers Home records
CW Reference: W&R 1896 Roster