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Illinois Roster of Officers and Enlisted Men
William H. Patton

This Certifies that William H. Patton Enlisted from Columbia County, Wisconsin, February 15, 1864, to serve three years or during the war, and was mustered into the United States service at Madison, Wis., on the same day, as a Corporal of Captain Austin Cannon's COMPANY "H", 36TH WISCONSIN VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, Colonel Frank A. Haskell commanding.

This regiment was recruited under the call of February 1, 1864, for 500,000 men. Its organization was completed under the superintendence of Col. Frank A. Haskell and on May 10, 1864, it left Madison for Washington, D.C., and at once took position in the army of the Potomac at Spottsylvania, Va. It arrived near the battle-field on the 17th and the following day served as reserve. On the 19th it joined the 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 2nd Corps. It participated in the battles of North Anna, Totopotomoy, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Malvern Hill, Mine Explosion, Deep Bottom, Weldon Railroad, Reams' Station (losing 8 officers and 130 men out of 11 Officers and 175 men who went into battle); and Hatcher's Run, two battles. Feb 8, 1865 the regiment commenced for the fifth time to build winter quarters. It participated in the re-capture of Fort Steadman, and on March 29, advanced and occupied the first line of the enemy's works and the second line the next day. It participated in the assault on Petersburg, April 2, 1865, then pursued Lee's army and was present at his surrender at Appomattox, April 9, 1865. It also took part in the Grand Review, May 23 1865. The regiment lost its first two colonels within 15 days of each other. Col. Haskell being killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, and Col. John A. Savage mortally wounded at Petersburg, June 18, 1864. After the Grand Review, the regiment moved to Louisville Ky., and was mustered out July 12, 1865. It was disbanded at Madison, Wis., July 24, 1865.

The said William H. Patton was promoted to Sergeant of his Company.

He was wounded at Petersburg, Va., June 18 1864, by gunshot, and was confined in field hospital, thence sent to hospital at Washington, D.C., thence to Philadelphia, Pa., and when able rejoined his regiment at Petersburg.

At all other times he was with his command during its service as outlined, bore a gallant part in all its engagements, except Weldon Railroad, and rendered faithful and meritorious service to his Country.

He was mustered out at Louisville, Ky., on the 12th day of July, 1865, and received an HONORABLE DISCHARGE at Madison Wis., by reason of close of the war.

He is a son of Matthew W. and Eliza Griffon Patton, and was born in Laporte County, Ind., on the 27th day of March 1841. He was united in marriage to Mary B. Murdock, in Marquette County, Wis., March 12, 1871, from which union were born four children, viz Matie E., Bessie I., Alta M., and Jessie.

He is a member of Sheridan-Dix Post, No. 7, Department of Cal., and Nev., Grand Army of the Republic. He was a Commander of Wallace Reynolds Post, at Santa Cruz, Cal., and Aide-de-camp to Department Commander one term. He is also a member of the Knights of Pythias.

He was Constable in Columbia County, Wis., and filled the same office for eight years in Santa Cruz County, Cal.

His wife is a member of Sheridan Corps, W.R.C., and held office as Junior Vice President of her Corps at Santa Cruz, Cal.

His wife's half-brothers, Samuel Baker, James and Shephard Murdock, served in the Civil War, the first named in the 29th Wisconsin and the other two in the 1st Wisconsin Infantry.

These facts are thus recorded and preserved for the benefit of all those who may be interested.

Sawtelle Soldiers Home Records

NAME: William H Patton
REGISTER #: 12898

Military History

RANK/CO/UNIT: Sgt/Co H/36 WI Inf
ENLISTMENT: 1864/02/15 Madison
DISCHARGED: 1865/07/12 Johnsonville, IN
DISABILITY: Constipation, cerebral hemorrhage, indigestion, cardiac hypertrophy, feeble

Domestic History

BORN: IN (1841)
AGE: 72
HT/CMP/EYE/HR: 5'11"/Lt, Gr, Gr/Literate
RELIGION: Protestant
RESIDENCE: California
NEXT OF KIN: (Wife) Mary E Patton, 287 Minnesota Ave, San Jose, CA

Home History

ADMISSION: 1915/01/12
DATE OF DEATH: 1916/07/12
CAUSE OF DEATH: Senile Dementia

General Remarks

PENSION CERT: #1,044,414
EFFECTS: $6.20 Cash (.80 found in envelope), $10.00 Pension, $12.00
BURIAL INFO: Body sent to Santa Cruz, CA

Santa Cruz Sentinel (October 2, 1892)

W.H. Patton of Visalia has purchased the Michigan Stables from G.M. Shippy. Mr. Shippy has moved to Scotts Valley where he will engage in the dairy business.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (December 11, 1896)

Justice Craghill and Constable Patton Are at Outs
Trouble Caused by an Agreement Between Constables- Do Not Speak as they Pass By

Justice Craghill and Constable Patton are not as good friends as they were. No more will they discuss the stirring scenes of the war in which they were participants. Never again will they talk over together matters pertaining to the welfare of the city and suggest measures for the decrease of crime. It is doubtful if even they will speak as they pass by, for war has been declared between them. It will not be a war of shot and shell, for they both had enough of that during the perilous days of the country from 1861 to 1865. It is not feared that any evil results will ensue over their grievances, but rather that each will nurse his supposed wrongs in silence. For both are men of peace sworn to preserve the laws of the their country.

The first that was known of any disagreement was when Patton was seen moving his desk from Craghill’s office. From what he said it was learned that he had been told by the Justice "to take his doll rags and go home." Of course that was not the language used, but it meant as much. The trouble arose over the fact that Patton had dispensed with the services of his deputy W.E. Rice, the Justice’s son in law. This was in accordance with an agreement made between the Constables, who have decided to do without deputies since District Attorney Lindsay’s instructions to Justices and Constables regarding tramps, which will materially reduce the fees which have been paid by the county for the arrest of vagrants. If the instructions are followed it will be hard picking for a Constable to make a living, let alone dividing with a deputy. As it stands now Craghill’s office is without a Constable.

Craghill does not deny that he told Patton Thursday to take his things of the office and gives his reasons as follows: "This thing has been brewing for over a month. Lindsay's instructions had nothing to do with it. Will Rice has been doing all the work, serving all the papers and making all returns. Patton didn’t do anything except to staying the office. Once in a great while he would serve papers. Rice wanted each to keep what he made, which was very fair. He had been doing all the work and they had been dividing what as made. Patton avoided giving Rice an answer to his proposition and when Rice told me of the agreement entered into between the Constables I could hardly believe it. I sent for Constable Corey, who told me that it was a fact, and that Frank Swan, who is Corey's deputy, would also be relieved of his position at the end of this month. I sent for Patton and said that he would retain Rice until the close of this month, and then would not need him. This made me angry, so I told him to take his desk out of my office; that I had no more use for him as he was taking the bread out of the mouths of my children and grandchildren. Before he left I asked for his share of the rent which he paid me."

Both sides are now resting on their arms. Open hostilities may come at any moment, as Patton has found a location not far from the Justice Court. The friends of the gentlemen hope that peace will soon shed its gentle wings over both for it does not seem right that any enmity should exist between the two veterans who responded to their country’s call in time of trouble. They should set an example by showing the world that two comrades who fought shoulder to shoulder and bared their breasts to the enemy’s bullets will not let the appointment of a deputy Constable interfere with their brotherly love. Let the flag of truce wave on Cooper St. to tell the people the old veterans are again friends.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (August 22, 1914)

W.H. Patton, a long resident of Santa Cruz and a veteran of the rebellion, now a resident of San Jose, Thursday suffered a stroke of apoplexy. He was conscious at times yesterday.

Santa Cruz Surf (July 14, 1916)

Passing of Old Soldier

A message was received yesterday from the Soldiers' Home at Sawtelle which announced the death of William H Patton, for many years a resident of this city.

He had a paralytic stroke two years ago and at that time made his home in San Jose. Deceased was born in LaPorte county, Ind., March 27, 1841. He served during the civil war as a member of Company H, Thirty sixth Wisconsin volunteer infantry. He was united in marriage to Mary B. Murdock in Marquette county, Wis., March 1871, from which union were born four daughters, three of whom survive him

From Wisconsin he came to California, settling in Tulare county, and later he came to Santa Cruz, where he resided for a number of years. In 1902 he moved to Berkeley and eight years later moved to San Jose, where he resided till his illness.

Deceased was a member of Sheridan Dix post, G.A.R. of San Jose, and while a resident of Santa Cruz was commander of Wallace Reynolds post.

He was a member of Avalon loge, Knight of Pythias of Fairbault Minn., having joined over forty years ago.

Mr. Patton leaves three daughters- Mrs. Fred D. McPherson, Bessie I. and Alta M., all of this city, and a brother M.H. Patton at Walla, Wash.

Date of Birth: 1841-03-27

Date of Death: 1916-17-07

County: Santa Cruz

Cemetery/City of Burial: Santa Cruz Memorial Park

Plot: O31

Mortuary: SH

Cause of Death: Strk/Related

Date of Marriage: 1871/03/12

Spouse: Murdock_ Mary B

Occupation: Law/Police

Height: 6'0

Complexion: Dk

Eye Color: Gr

Hair Color: Br

Local Address: Pacific Ave 32

Last City: (CA Sawtelle 16)

Native of: IN

Father Native of: Matthew W ()

Mother Native of: Griffin_ Eliza ()

Enlisted: 1864/02/15

Discharged: 1865/07/12

Military Unit: WI_ 36 Inf_ Co H

Rank: Sgt

Military Notes: R-Mlwke_W-Ptrsbrg_D-Jffrsnvl

GAR#: R98

Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records
Sawtelle Soldiers Home records

CW Reference: W&R 1896 Roster

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-0779


Nelson, Robert L. “PATTON, WILLIAM HENRY (1841 - 1916).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. Accessed 4 Oct. 2024.