MEYER, SERAPHIM (1815 - 1894)

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American Civil War Research Database, Historical Data Systems
Photo of Seraphim Meyer

One Hundred and Seventh Infantry

One Hundred and Seventh Infantry. - Col., Seraphim Meyer; Lieut.-Cols., Charles Mueller, John S. Cooper ; Majs., George Arnold, Augustus Vignos, Fernando C. Suhrer. This regiment was organized at Camp Cleveland, Sept. 9, 1862, to serve for three years. It first moved under orders to Covington, Ky., but soon afterwards was sent to Virginia, spending the winter at Brooks' station, and in the following April moved across the Rappahannock to Chancellorsville, where it took part in the battle of that name. In this disastrous affair the regiment lost 220 officers and men in killed, wounded and prisoners. In the first day's fight at Gettysburg it lost in killed, wounded and prisoners, 250 officers and men and in the second day's fight, in a charge during the afternoon, it against lost heavily in killed and wounded, but captured a Confederate flag from the 8th La. Tigers. Its total loss in the battle of Gettysburg - killed, wounded and prisoners - was over 400 out of about 550, rank and file with which it entered. With 111 muskets, all that was left of the regiment, it joined in the pursuit of the Confederate army into Virginia. In August it sailed in transports to South Carolina, where it performed picket duty for several months. In Dec., 1864, it was ordered to Deveaux neck, S. C., and while there had several skirmishes with the enemy, losing 5 men killed and 15 wounded. It did picket duty at Georgetown, S. C., until March, 1865, then marched to Sumterville, where it met and defeated the enemy, capturing 3 pieces of artillery, 6 horses and 15 prisoners; loss to the regiment, 4 men wounded. After the surrender it did provost duty at Charleston, until July until July 10, 1865, when it was mustered out and returned home.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (October 1, 1887)

A Welcome Resident

A welcome acquisition to Santa Cruz is Judge S. Meyer, of Canton Ohio, who recently purchased the McPheters residence on St. Lawrence St., and is now occupying it with his family. The Judge came to California to improve his impaired health, and after looking around in search of a home concluded to locate in Santa Cruz, which has more charms for him than any other place he visited in this state. He has made some alterations in the interior of his residence, and in time will make many improvements. He intends to dispose of his interest in Ohio and invest in Santa Cruz real estate. He already owns land in San Jose and other cities he visited during his search for a location for a home. The Judge practiced law for forty years in Ohio, and was a prominent citizen of that State. For twelve years he served as Judge of the Probate Court and Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. Hs term would not expire until next February, but his ill health compelled him to resign last November. Before the war he was a Presidential elector for the State at large on the Douglas ticket, his name heading the electoral ticket.

During the war he was Colonel of the 107th Ohio Regiment, serving with distinction all through that memorable contest, and participating in some of the heaviest engagements. He was wounded at Chancellorsville, and spent six weeks at the famous Libby Prison. His son is Gen. Meyer, who is on the retired list of the regular army, and is now practicing law in Cleveland, Ohio. The General contemplates taking up his residence in Santa Cruz shortly, as he was very favorably impressed during his visit to this city last fall.

Although frequently asked to run for Congress or the Legislature, the Judge has always declined as he did not desire to give up his professional practice.

He brought with him from Ohio an extensive library of rare scientific and literary works.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (April 14, 1894)

DIED: MEYER- In this city, April 12,th Seraphim Meyer, a native of France, aged 78 years 4 months and 16 days.

The funeral will take place from his late residence, No. 26. St. Lawrence St.

TO-DAY (Saturday), at 9:30 A.M., thence to the Catholic Church, where a High Requiem Mass will be celebrated. (Burial private)

-- Judge S. Meyer, who died at his home on St. Lawrence St. Thursday was a prominent man in Ohio before coming to Santa Cruz. He held high official stations in that State, and served during the war. Since his settlement in this city, owing to his advanced age and feeble condition, he had not been much on our streets.

Notes from the family of Seraphim Meyer, courtesy of Phil Reader

It seems that whenever Meyer's wife Rosalie moved - which she did 3 or 4 times after Seraphim died - she would take his body with her. He was interred in St. Peter's Cemetery twice, when Rosalie went back to Canton before leaving again for California. There is some confusion about where the body was last left, as the final time Rosalie left for California she did not resume contact with the rest of the family. There is an plot for Seraphim in Canton where he was buried twice, but as of 1999 it was vacant.

Date of Birth: 1815-11-26

Date of Death: 1894-04-12

County: Santa Cruz

Cemetery/City of Burial: Holy Cross Cemetery (old)

Plot: J02A

Spouse: (Meyer)Rosyln

Occupation: Attorney

Religion: RC

Local Address: St.Lawrence

Last City: Santa Cruz

Native of: FR

Enlisted: 1862/09/06

Discharged: 1864/02/08

Military Unit: OH_ 107 Inf_ F&S

Rank: Col

Military Notes: R_E-N/L_ P-Chnclrvl_ DbD


Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records

CW Reference: SEN 1887/10/01

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-0684


Nelson, Robert L. “MEYER, SERAPHIM (1815 - 1894).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. Accessed 6 Oct. 2024.