MANDEL, JACOB (1846 - 1913)

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Sawtelle Soldiers Home Records

NAME: Jacob Mandel
REGISTER #: 3491

Military History

RANK/CO/UNIT: Pvt./Co K/46 NY Inf.
ENLISTMENT: 1864/08/29 New York, NY
DISCHARGED: 1865/07/28 New York NY End of War

Domestic History

BORN: 1839? Germany
AGE: 58
HT/CMP/EYE/HR: 5'6"/Florid/Literate
NEXT OF KIN: Leopold Mandel Bro. St. Louis MO

Home History

ADMISSION: 1897/05/08
DISCHARGED: 1900/12/18 Dishonorable Discharge Bd. of Management

General Remarks

PENSION CERT: #790,160

Records of Members of the Grand Army of the Republic, William H. Ward

JACOB MENDEL Was born July 7, 1846, in Germany;' a cook by occupation. Enlisted June, 1863 in the 46th New York Regiment, and served as a private; was attached to the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 9th Army Corps; was in the battles of James River, Gettysburg, White House, Horseshoe, and Swamp River; was honorably discharged at Pigeon Point, Staten Island, NY. Comrade Mandel is a member of WHL Wallace Post GAR of Santa Cruz, Cal where he resides.

Santa Cruz County Hospital Records

Jacob Mandel a 52 year old Cook from Germany was treated at the County Hospital for Gonorrhea from July 14, 1889 until Feb 3, 1890.

Santa Cruz Times (May 12, 1871)

New Bulletin Boards

Jacob Mandel has caused to be erected eighteen new and roomy Bulletin Boards in conspicuous places throughout town, and will be prepared to thoroughly bill the town for our own people and such traveling exhibitions as may visit Santa Cruz. Jacob is reliable and deserves patronage.

Unidentified Newspaper, contributed by Phil Reader (May 25, 1877)

Jacob Mandel, popularly known as "Hans" set himself up in business and is consequently happy. He has opened a bootblack stand on Mission street opposite the St. Charles, where those in want of a good shine, cleaning, carpet beating or bill posting should give him a call.

Unidentified Newspaper, contributed by Phil Reader (October 18, 1882)

The cards are out for the nuptials of Jacob Mandel, an old resident of this city, and some blushing fraulein from "Yarmany". Social circles will, no doubt, be paralyzed by this announcement. 'Rah for Hans!

Unidentified Newspaper, contributed by Phil Reader (September 22, 1883)

Jacob Mandel, the newly-made Benedict, and who was mentioned last week as having been left in the cold by his frau, says that he is out in no such frigid atmosphere, but that the departed will return to him after purchasing some "tings" in the city.

Santa Cruz Daily Surf (October 7, 1889)

Shifting Sands

Jacob Mandel, better known as "Hans," a well known character, has been granted a pension and will soon receive $1,800 arrears. He was a soldier in the civil war.

Unidentified Newspaper, contributed by Phil Reader (December 21, 1889)

Jacob Mandel, better known as "Hans" of "Hawntz", is in the dumps, so to speak. Yesterday a couple of women at the Germania hotel were blacking their shoes. Hans commenced fooling about them, and one pleasantly drew her blacking brush across Hans' rotund countenance, leaving a black streak thereon. This deep insults aroused all the "Dutch" in Hans, and he very brutally slapped the young woman's face. Hans was arrested, and on pleading not guilty, appeared as a lawyer for the first time, in Santa Cruz at least, on his own behalf. He did not prove a glittering success, as it took the jury but five minutes to bring in a verdict of guilty. Judge Curtis fined him $20, which was paid. Hans then wanted a warrant issued for the arrest of the woman for chasing him with a cleaver after he had slapped her. The Judge indignantly refused and gave Hans a lecture on the brutality of a man who would strike a woman.

Unidentified Newspaper, contributed by Phil Reader

A Hard Hearted Jury

Hans Mandel, who is employed at the Germania Hotel, objected on Thursday evening to the chamber maid oiling a pair of boots near the kitchen range. He remonstrated with her, and she threw an oil rag in his face. She then stooped down to continue oiling the boots when Hans, who felt that his dignity was injured, struck her twice with his hand on the back of her neck. For this he was arrested on a charge of battery and on Friday brought before a Justice of the Peace for trial. "Hans" demanded a jury, and was accommodated. He pleads his own case, but the jury was unable to understand what he was talking about. When witnesses for the prosecution were testifying "Hans" insisted on doing the talking, in fact he seemed to think that the more he said the better impression he would make on the jury. When the case was given to the jury they only remained out five minutes when they returned a verdict of guilty. The justice fined him twenty dollars. He paid fifteen dollars of the amount and promised to pay the balance soon.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (July 17, 1892)

Jacob Mandel (Hans) has been granted a pension.

Santa Cruz Surf (June 7, 1893)

Our townsman, Jacob Mandel, much better and more widely known as "Hans," is rejoicing in the intelligence that he has been left a fortune of $9,500 by the death of an uncle in St. Louis. Hans expects to leave Santa Cruz, July 1st to enter into possession of his new estates. He finds many friends to congratulate him upon his good fortune.

Unidentified Newspaper, contributed by Phil Reader (March 14, 1894)

Hans Mandel is authority for the statement that a meeting will soon be called at the court house for the purpose of organizing a company of unemployed to "march on the Washington".

Editor's Note: Jacob Mandel Joined with Coxy's army in its march of unemployed industrial workers on Washington D.C. who were demonstrating for financial assistance from the government. That event took place during the latter half of March to June 1894.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (May 4, 1897)

Gone to Santa Monica
Jacob Mandel, an Old Soldier, Bids Farewell to Santa Cruz

Jacob Mandel, familiarly known as “Hans,has gone to the Soldier’s Home at Santa Monica, where he has friends. “Hansbade good bye to his friends Sunday, and looked forward with pleasure to his stay at the Home. For years he has been a familiar character here. Before he received a pension he was employed as cook at restaurants and hotels. His pension was sufficient for his needs, so he did not bother himself much about seeking employment. Last year he started a lunch place on Pacific Av., but it did not pay. “Hanswas proud of his connection with the Grand Army, and would render his services willingly to help in his humble way at any affair where he could be of use. He imagined that the fate of the grand Army rested on his solders for there was nothing else in which he took more interest. His war record seemed to be enveloped in mystery, but is generally supposed that he enlisted in a New York regiment and served as cook. In none of the records of the war does his name appear for any act of bravery or deserving of mention. The fact that he was willing to serve the country in time of war is sufficient evidence of his loyalty, without delving through the records to ascertain what part he took in saving this nation.

Some years ago “Hansbecame tired of single life and married a woman in San Francisco, with whom he only had a slight acquaintance. They did not live long together, for one day she went away, never to return. What caused the separation he never would reveal. The old soldier is deserving of a home at Santa Monica. With his friends he can live over in memory again the days when they faced the enemy’s shot and shell. Perhaps Santa Cruz has seen the last of “Hans,a man who never did anyone any harm or built a block of buildings.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (December 14, 1900)

It is said that Hans Mandel is no longer an inmate of the Soldier’s Hoe at Santa Monica, because he violated the rules. It is reported that he sold liquor on the grounds, which is strictly against the rules.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (December 21, 1900)

Jacob Mandel, familiarly known as “Hanshas drifted back into Santa Cruz. He went to the soldier’s home in Los Angeles a few years ago.

Notes from Phil Reader

Jacob Mandel was a member of Wallace-Reynolds Post GAR. He was born in Germany about 1838, and apparently served in US Army during the Civil War. According the Santa Cruz Great Book of 1880, he was listed as a 42 years old laborer living in Santa Cruz. He was born in Germany and was naturalized on October 12, 1868.

In the 1870 Census Jacob Mandel was listed as sharing a residence with three young ladies who defined their occupation as "courtesans."

On August 12, 1883, his marriage to Charlotte Bothe from Germany, age 32, was witnessed by Frank and Theresa Pratchner of Santa Cruz.

The 1894 Great Book describes him as being 5'5" with a dark complexion and brown/black hair. The 1896 Great Book shows his occupation as that of Cook.

Jacob Mendel died April 17, 1913. (California Death Index)

Date of Birth: 1846-07-07

Date of Death: 1913-17-04

County: San Francisco

Cemetery/City of Burial: San Francisco National

Occupation: Shoe Shine

Religion: J

Height: 5'5

Complexion: Dk

Eye Color: Br

Hair Color: Bk

Local Address: Locust St

Last City: Santa Cruz 92

Native of: GE

Enlisted: 1864/08/29

Discharged: 1865/07/28

Military Unit: NY_ 46 Inf_ Co K

Rank: Pvt

Military Notes: E-Brklyn_ M/O-Wshngtn DC

GAR#: W32

Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
California Death Index
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records

CW Reference: WHL 1886 Roster

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-0626


Nelson, Robert L. “MANDEL, JACOB (1846 - 1913).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. Accessed 3 Oct. 2024.