KANE, ANDREW HILL (1841 - 1909)

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Sawtelle Soldiers Home Records
Andrew H. Kane

NAME: Andrew M Kane
REGISTER #: 5576

Military History

RANK/CO/UNIT: Mus/Co A/59 Indiana Infantry
ENLISTMENT: 1861/10/10 Spencer, Ind.
DISCHARGED: 1865/04/14 Wilmington N.C. Expiration of Service
DISABILITY: Pulmonary Tuber 1902

Domestic History

BORN: 1841? Indiana
AGE: 61 yrs
HT/CMP/EYE/HR: 6'/Dk cmpl/Literate
NEXT OF KIN: Martha Kane (wife) 6 Blaine St. Santa Cruz

Home History

ADMISSION: 1902/10/10
DISCHARGED: 1909/07/14 own request

General Remarks

PENSION CERT: #601,009

Santa Cruz Sentinel (July 23, 1902)

A.H. Kane, who has not been a well man since hurt by a San Francisco streetcar, is slowly recovering from what threatened to be a serious sickness.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (August 19, 1902)

A.H. Kane who was hurt some time ago by being struck by a streetcar is a seriously sick man. He must have been internally injured in a manner not known at the time of the accident, for a time after returning he seemed to be nearly well. He is an Odd Fellow and Workman, and the Watcher furnished by these lodges says that the sick man is so weak and wasted, and the draft on his vitality is so great that he does not see how he can hold out much longer.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (October 2, 1902)

A.H. Kane left Wednesday on the steamer for the Soldiers Home in Santa Monica where he will be operated upon.

Notes from Phil Reader

Andrew H Kane was born on August 5, 1841 in Hendricks County Indiana.

He was the son of Morrison and Rhoda (Shatterfield) Kane who had been married in Stokes County North Carolina on March 8, 1822. Morrison and Rhoda moved to Hendricks County Indiana in 1832.

On the 10th of October 1861, Andrew Kane was enlisted as a Musician in Company A of the Fifty-Ninth Indiana Regiment. The regiment was mustered in on February 11, 1862.

Brief Regimental History

The regiment left Gosport for New Albany, IN, on the 18th day of February 1862, where it was armed with Enfield rifles and fully equipped. It left New Albany on the 20th and proceeded on transports by way of Cairo to Commerce, Mo. where it was the first regiment to report to Gen Pope for duty with the Army of the Mississippi.

On the 25th of February, it moved to Benton, where it was first placed in a brigade composed of the Thirty fourth, Forty third, Forty sixth and Forty seventh Regiments, together with the Fifty ninth, under command of Col. Slack. On the 1st of March, it marched in the direction of New Madrid, where it arrived on the 3rd, and assisted in the siege of that place. Upon the evacuation of New Madrid by the rebels it was one of the first regiments to enter the town and take possession of Fort Thompson.

On the 7th of April, it crossed the Mississippi, and marched down to Tiptonville, assisting in the capture of many prisoners. It next went to Fort Pillow, and thence by way of Cairo to Hamburg, Tenn., where the brigade to which it was assigned was placed in command of Gen. N. B. Buford.

From the 24th of April until the 20th of May, the regiment was engaged in nearly all of the skirmishes and reconnaissance's, and in the building of forts and works during the march to and siege of Corinth; and after the place was evacuated it marched with the pursuing column to Booneville, returning to the vicinity of Corinth on the 12th of June. The next day the regiment moved its camp to Clear Creek, where it remained until the 6th of August. While here, it marched on an expedition to Ripley Creek and back, being absent twelve days. Moving from Clear Creek to Jacinto, it remained there until September 7, when the regiment went to Rienzi.

On the 1st of October, it went to Corinth, where it was engaged on the 2nd and 4th in the battle of Corinth. In this engagement the Fifty-ninth, and particularly Company A, behaved with great gallantry. After the defeat of the enemy in this battle, the rebels were pursued to the Hatchie, in which the Fifty-ninth joined and then returned to Corinth, October 10, 1862. In November, the regiment marched to Grand Junction, Davis Mills and Moscow. On the 20th of November, it proceeded by way of Coldwater, Holly Springs and Oxford to Yocana River, then returned to Oxford and moved to Lumpkins Mill. From this place it escorted the commissary train to Memphis and back, in December, and returned to Memphis January 8, 1863, where it went into camp, in which they remained until the 1st of March. The regiment then went down the river on transports to Helens, Ark, stopping at Woolfolk's Landing on the 12 day of March; it embarked with the Yazoo River expedition, arriving at the encampment near Fort Pemberton on the 25th of March.

Re embarking on the 6th of April, the regiment returned to Helens on the 10th, and proceeded thence to Milliken's Bend, arriving there April 15. On the 24th, it commenced the march for Vicksburg. It proceeded by way of Grand Gulf to Port Gibson, arriving there just as the battle closed. Marching with Grant's army, it was engaged at Fort Hills, Raymond and Champion Hills. At the latter place the fighting was severe, and Company A lost two soldiers, killed, to wit, George W. Dyar and William W. Dyar.

At Jackson, the skirmishers of the Fifty-ninth were the first to enter the city; and at the Big Black River it formed the rear guard for the Seventeenth Corps, and was the last regiment to cross the bridge, which it destroyed. It then took position in line of battle in front of the rebel fortifications at Vicksburg, and in the assault of May 22 the regiment lost heavily, 126 being killed and wounded. Company A lost three killed to wit, John A. Goodnight, John C. Jarvis, and Emsley W. Vaughn. During the siege, it went up the Yazoo on an expedition, returning to Vicksburg June 4, where it remained until the glorious 4th of July, when the rebels surrendered the city.

The regiment remained at Vicksburg until September 13, 1863, when it embarked for Memphis by way of Helena. On the 5th of October, it proceeded by rail to Corinth; from there it went to Glendale. One the 19th of October, it began the march to Chattanooga, arriving there in time to participate in the victory of Mission Ridge. On the 17th of December, it began its return march, reaching Bridgeport, AL, on the 18th, when it went into camp. Starting for Huntsville on December 23, it reached there on the 26th, and went into camp. At this place on the 1st of January 1864, the Fifty-ninth re enlisted as veterans. After returning from their furlough, granted in consequence of their re enlistment, the Fifty-ninth arrived at Huntsville on the 22nd of June. Starting for Kingston, GA., it reached there July 2, and jointed Gen Sherman's army then on the march to Atlanta. At the Etowah River, it guarded a bridge until the 26th of August, when it was ordered to Chattanooga. After arriving at that place on the 27th of August, it went on a four days' march after Wheeler's cavalry. On the 12th of November, it moved toward Atlanta, and on the 15th it began the historic march to the sea, through Georgia to Savannah. From Savannah, the regiment marched through the Carolinas to Raleigh and from there to Washington City. At Darlington, S.C. on the 3rd day of March 1865, John McClun, of Company A, was killed in a skirmish with the rebels. At Washington the regiment participated in the grand review at the close of hostilities, in which 200,000 soldiers, heroes of so many marches and battles, participated.

The regiment was sent from Washington to Louisville, where on the 17th day of July 1865, it was mustered out of service after having traveled perhaps more miles than almost any regiment in the war.

1865- Andrew Kane returns to Indiana
1868- Andrew Kane married Martha Braddy in Fremont Co. Iowa
1870- Daughter Rhoda Kane (Knapp) was born
1870- Andrew and family migrate to California
1876- Son Fred is born
1880- Andrew is enumerated at Jackson Twp, Amador County
1882- Andrew is registered to vote in Santa Cruz
1885- 1886 Kane's Civil War Reminiscence appear in Santa Cruz Sentinel
1888- Kane installed as Post Commander of Reynolds Post #98 G.A.R. Kane appointed policeman
1890- Kane begins to draw Civil War pension
1892- Directory- Policeman 124 Myrtle St. Santa Cruz
1894- Directory- Carpenter- 89 Laurel St. Santa Cruz
1896- Directory- Carpenter- 21 Sycamore St. Santa Cruz
1900- Census Kane enumerator on Blaine St- Salesman & night watchman
1904- March-June, at Santa Monica Soldiers home
1905- Directory- Res.: 6 Blaine St., yardman Pacific Ave. Lumber
1907- Jan to April- Back at Soldiers Home Santa Monica
1909- Kane leaves Santa Monica (Sawtelle) to Yountville

On May 13 A.H. Kane died at the Soldiers home in Yountville in Napa County at the age of 70 years 10 months and 5 days.

Date of Birth: 1841-08-05

Date of Death: 1909-13-05

County: Napa

Cemetery/City of Burial: Veterans Memorial Grove Cemetery (Yountville, CA)

Plot: D/1/30

Mortuary: VH

Cause of Death: Pul/TB

Date of Marriage: 1868/10/25

Spouse: Braddy_ Martha

Occupation: Carpenter

Religion: P

Height: 6'

Complexion: Dk

Eye Color: Bl

Hair Color: Bk

Local Address: Blaine St 6

Last City: (CA Yountville 09)

Native of: IN

Father Native of: Morrison (NC)

Mother Native of: Shatterfield_ Rhoda (NC)

Enlisted: 1861/10/10

Discharged: 1865/04/14

Military Unit: IN_ 59 Inf_ Co A

Rank: Mus

Military Notes: E-Spencer_ D-Wlmngtn NC

GAR#: R98

Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
California Death Index
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records
Sawtelle Soldiers Home records

CW Reference: JFR 1886 Roster

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-0532


Nelson, Robert L. “KANE, ANDREW HILL (1841 - 1909).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. https://history.santacruzpl.org/omeka/items/show/133508. Accessed 26 Sep. 2024.