JUNKINS, HENRY (1824 - 1894)

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Sawtelle Soldiers Home Records
Henry Junkins
Evergreen Cemetery

NAME: Henry Junkins
REGISTER #: 1065


RANK/CO/UNIT: Pvt./H Co./2nd U.S. Dragoons (Mexican War)
ENLISTMENT: 1842/02/22 Boston Mass.
DISCHARGED: 1847/02/22 Cpl.
RE-ENLISTMENT: 1864/09/13 Los Angeles
RNK/CO/UNIT: Pvt./Co B./2nd California Cav.
DISCHARGED: 1866/05/28 Cpl Ft. Churchill NV, By order of Dept. Comdr.


BORN: Hillsborough Co. NY
AGE: 67 years
HT/CMP/EYE/HR: 6'2"/fair complexion
RESIDENCE: Soquel, Santa Cruz County Ca.
NEXT OF KIN: Mrs. M.J. Junkins, Soquel Santa Cruz County, CA


ADMISSION: 1891/09/15
DISCHARGED: 1893/03/06 His request
PENSION CERT: #718.628

Mexican War Pension Records

Mexican War Pension Records indicate that on July 19, 1887, Henry Junkins, a resident of Nevada applied for a Mexican War Veterans Pension for his service with Carr's Co. 2nd U.S. Dragoons. Pension was approved.

Santa Cruz County Death Records

Henry Junkins death certificate indicated that his occupation was that of a laborer and that he died at Portrero on July 30, 1894. His death according to DR F.E. Morgan was attributed to old age.

The Santa Cruz Cavalry Company & the Butler Guard, Sidney Freshour

Henry Junkins was enrolled as a Sr. Lieut. in the Santa Cruz Cavalry Company on July 7, 1863.

Records of California Men in the War of the Rebellion, Brig.-Gen. Richard H. Orton

Henry Junkins, Was enrolled in Company B 2nd California Cavalry, on September 13, 1864 and served as a corporal until May 28, 1866 at the time of his discharge.

A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, Frederick H. Dyer

Organized at San Francisco September 5 to October 18, 1861:

Company "B" Patrolled the Mojave Road between Camp Caddie and Rock Springs, Southern California, July to September 1864. Ordered to San Francisco September 26, thence to Camp Union Sacramento, Calif., November 12. Duty in District of California and Nevada till mustered out. Expedition from Dun Glen to Fairbanks Station, Nev., June 13-26, 1865.

Regimental History [Civil War Database]


"In accordance with P.O. No. 35, dated Nov. 12, 1865, First Lt. R.A. Osmer 2nd cavalry, and 60 enlisted men of Co. B. proceeded to the Black Rock Mountains on Nov. 13, 1865, taking with them 1 mountain howitzer. At Willow Creek Station, 35 Miles from this post (Dun Glen, Nev.), 7 enlisted men, who were on detached service, joined company; also 2 citizens and 10 Indian warriors under command of Capt. 'Sou' (friendly Piutes). On Friday at daybreak, attacked the Indian camp 5 miles from Black Rock Mountains, and 105 miles northwest of this post. Killed about 120 Indians in all; of these about 80 were bucks, but the Indian allies could not be restrained from a general slaughter, neither could a squaw be distinguished from a buck in the general fight, and but 1 Indian is supposed to have escaped. They captured a quantity of ammunition, several guns, 5 Indian ponies, and destroyed a large lot of provisions. These were the same Indians who killed and robbed the teamster two weeks ago, as some of his load was found in camp. The loss was Private David W. O'Connell, killed; and Sergeant Lansdon and private Moon, wounded. Detachment returned to this post Nov. 20, 1865. Distance traveled, 250 miles."

This company, after its organization, commanded by Capt. Cremony, was ordered to the southern part of the state, became a part of Gen Carleton's California column, and marched with that command to New Mexico.

On the expiration of their terms of service the original members of the 2nd were mustered out in the autumn of 1864, and the regiment, composed of reenlisted veterans and recruits, was continued in service. It was mustered out by companies from Feb. 1 to July 31, 1866.

This regiment furnished a considerable number of officers for other California regiments and was exceeded by none of the other state organizations in the quality and character of their services rendered the state.

Pacific Sentinel (December 5, 1861)

H. Junkins, a roadmaster of District No. 11, presented and placed on file:

The sum of $200 was appropriated for repairing the bridge above Brady and Nichols mill. The repairs to be made under the supervision of B.F. Porter and Henry Junkins.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (June 3, 1888)

Henry Junkins, a former Santa Cruzan, and at present a guard at the Nevada State Prison, was stricken with paralysis at Carson Sunday evening May 20.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (January 30, 1892)

Henry Junkins, for 20 years a resident of Aptos, is now in the Soldiers Home in Santa Monica.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (July 31, 1894)

H. JUDKINS [sic] died Monday at his home on Portrero Street. He was a veteran of the Mexican and Civil Wars. In the Civil War he served with the Second California Cavalry. He was a member of the Carson Post G.A.R. [Carson City Nevada].

Editorial Notes from Robert L. Nelson

NARA Military/Pension Research (October 10, 2003)

Henry Junkins, described as being 68 years old, 6' 2 1/2" tall, 202 lbs, and fair complexioned with grey hair, applied for a pension Nov. 25 1891. He stated on his application that "on the 20th day of may 1888, when on guard duty in the Nevada State Prison, Carson City, Nevada, I was struck with paralysis which settled on my right side from head to foot which rendered me incapable of performing manual labor. The rupture I never discovered until about two months after I received the stroke of paralysis."

His wife Joanna, when applying for a widow's pension, indicated that she had been previously married to a Thomas Cole, met Henry Junkins in Monterey, and moved with him to Aptos California where they were married in June of 1854 and that there had been no children in the union.

Date of Birth: 1824

Date of Death: 1894-07-30

County: Santa Cruz

Cemetery/City of Burial: Evergreen Cemetery

Plot: G14

Mortuary: W&S

Cause of Death: Strk/Related

Spouse: (Jins) Joanna

Occupation: Law/Guard

Height: 6'2

Complexion: Lt

Eye Color: Gr

Local Address: Potrero St

Last City: Santa Cruz

Native of: NY

Enlisted: 1864/09/13

Discharged: 1866/05/28

Military Unit: CA_ 2 Cav_ Co B

Rank: Cpl

Military Notes: E-Drm Brrcks_ M/O-FtChrchl_NV

GAR#: W32

Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records

CW Reference: Orton's CMiWR

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-0531


Nelson, Robert L. “JUNKINS, HENRY (1824 - 1894).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. https://history.santacruzpl.org/omeka/items/show/133507. Accessed 26 Sep. 2024.