HYNES, PHILLIP (1844 - 1918)

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Santa Cruz Sentinel (December 8, 1891)
Phillip Hynes

Surprise Party

A pleasant and genuine surprise was given Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hynes at their residence on Soquel Av., Saturday evening, the occasion being their twentieth wedding anniversary. Dr. McCreary delivered a few remarks about their experience on the prairie of Minnesota, also their good Christian work, in which they never tire. Among the presents was a beautiful hanging lamp and China dinner set. Fully one hundred of their friends were present. Refreshments served to all, the refreshments consisting of delicious coffee, sandwiches and cake. (Article contains extensive list of attendees).

Santa Cruz Surf (date unknown)

Phillip Hynes of St. Paul, who spent last winter traveling over California from Sacramento to San Diego, found Santa Cruz more to his liking than any other place. He purchased the Ziegler place on the Soquel road, and returning to St. Paul, found the mercury had been 48 blow zero, and that on April 1st a snowdrift five feet deep still remained at the corner of his house. He did not find much difficulty in persuading his family to leave that country for this and they are now comfortably settled on the Soquel road near Arana Gulch.

When Mr. Hynes went east he took with him copies of Progress and the Surf to use as missionary literature and found them most effective. He became a regular subscriber as soon as he returned.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (September 20, 1895)

Battle of Chickamauga

Santa Cruz Veterans Send a Telegram to Their Old Commander General Rosecrans

Thursday brought back to some of the veterans in Santa Cruz memories of Chickamauga, it being the thirty-second anniversary of that memorable battle. On Thursday evening some of the veterans who had participated at Chickamauga met a L.F. Smith's office to live again in memory the stirring scenes in which they were actors. The result was the following dispatch sent to their old commander:

Santa Cruz
September 19th
To Gen W.S. Rosecrans Los Angeles

We the undersigned, members of the Army of the Cumberland residing in Santa Cruz County who served at the battle of Chickamauga, send our congratulations to you on this the thirty second anniversary of that great battle, and assure you of our continued admiration and esteem for our gallant and beloved commander, who still survives that terrible conflict.

Phillip Hynes, 2d Minnesota Light Battery
John H. Stofer, 7th Iowa Volunteer Infantry
Lucas F. Smith, 101st Indiana Volunteer Infantry

Santa Cruz Sentinel (April 1, 1906)

Short Sketch of One of the Candidates for Councilman from the First Ward

The announcement of Philip Hynes independent candidate for councilman from the First Ward is added to the "Sentinel's" political column this morning and a short sketch of the candidate may be of interest.

Philip Hynes was born in New York State about sixty years ago, but went to Minnesota at an early age. As is well known, he is a veteran of the Civil War, and enlisted in the Second Minnesota Battery at the age of 18, serving to the close of the war. He was at Perryville, Stone River, and Chickamauga and marched with Sherman to Atlanta.

At the close of the war he settled near Minneapolis and took up market gardening. Mr. Hynes has always been interested in public affairs, so we find him occupying the position of Justice of the Peace for several terms at Bloomington and Crystal Lake, in Hennepin County. He was also a member and clerk of the school board for the greater portion of the 25 years he spent there. He was also chairman of the Board of Supervisors for two terms in a large township adjoining the city of Minneapolis, which was afterwards annexed.

In 1887, he and his family moved to California, coming direct to Santa Cruz and locating on their present home place on Soquel Ave., where Mr. Hynes is a very successful chicken raiser. He has taken an active interest in city and county affairs here and has served on the election board ever since 1888. He was foreman of the recent Grand Jury, which indicted Rogers and Main of the Watsonville Transportation Co. for fraud and is conceded to be a man of firm convictions and excellent judgment. (Editor's note: See article for additional local political views.)

Santa Cruz Sentinel (October 23, 1918)

Philip Hynes, Veteran Civilian No More

Philip Hynes is dead at his home on Parkway. The summons came at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Mr. Hynes had not been in robust health owing to a recurring stomach complaint, which he contracted during the Civil War. His death is the first in the family since his marriage nearly 50 years ago.

Philip was the oldest pioneer Poultryman in Santa Cruz. He was prominent in politics here a few years ago, having served several terms as councilman from his district, a period of six years in all. He was the present post commander of the G.A.R.

Deceased was born in New York 74 years ago and when a boy of ten moved to Minneapolis, Minn., with his parents. There he remained until he came west and settled in Santa Cruz (Approx. 1888) and started the first big poultry ranch in this part of the country.

During the Civil War he fought with the North and distinguished himself on more than one occasion.

Surviving him are his wife and five children, Ruth, Ella, Bertha and Mrs. R.C. Laverty and C.P. Hynes, an employee at Spreckels.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (October, [?] 1918)

The funeral of the late Philip Hynes will be held this morning at 10 o'clock when the procession will leave the Chase undertaking parlors for SCruz/OMP cemetery, where open-air services will be held. The members of Wallace Reynolds post G.A.R. and the Woman's Relief Corps will turn out to pay a last tribute to their dead commander.

Date of Birth: 1844-05-18

Date of Death: 1918-22-10

County: Santa Cruz

Cemetery/City of Burial: Oakwood Memorial Park

Plot: B2/02

Mortuary: CCC

Cause of Death: Stm/Ulcer

Date of Marriage: 1871/12/05

Spouse: Pond_ Mary Margaret

Occupation: Poultryman

Religion: Me

Height: 5'9

Complexion: Lt

Eye Color: Gr

Hair Color: Gr

Local Address: Parkway St 105

Last City: Santa Cruz

Native of: NY

Father Native of: (IR)

Mother Native of: (IR)

Enlisted: 1862/08/08

Discharged: 1865/08/16

Military Unit: MN_ 2 LtA_ Bt

Rank: Pvt

Military Notes: (Hymes)R-N/L_ M/O-Ft. Snelling

GAR#: R98

Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records

CW Reference: W&R 1896 Roster

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-0507


Nelson, Robert L. “HYNES, PHILLIP (1844 - 1918).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. https://history.santacruzpl.org/omeka/items/show/133483. Accessed 6 Oct. 2024.