BOWMAN, EDWARD (1841 - 1914)

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Santa Cruz Sentinel (July 22, 1914)
Edward Bowman

Edward Bowman Passes Away

Last evening Edward Bowman, a well known and highly respected citizen of this city passed away at his home at 156 Ocean St. after living a retired life for several years. He was a native of Ohio and nearly 73 years of age. Mr. Bowman for many years was engaged in the carriage business in this city, and before the auto was much in evidence he did a commanding business, being the leader in his line.

For years his store was in the YMCA building where later he took in as a partner the late Mr. Jensen, father of the Jensen Bros. who succeeded and finally took over the interest of Mr. Bowman when he retired from active business life, the business being moved to Front and Cooper STs.

Mr. Bowman lived in this city a great many years and always made friends with those he had dealing with because of his honesty and integrity. He never sought public honor of any kind, being content to lead a quiet life, but he was always interested in those things which were for the good of Santa Cruz, and he always contributed to worthy causes. Mr. Bowman will be missed in this community.

Editor's Note: A similar article from the Surf of the same date indicates that Bowman was a member of Santa Cruz Chapter F. and A.M., and an Odd Fellow. He left a wife and was the brother of the late G. Bowman.

Editorial Notes from Robert L. Nelson (November 10, 2003)

While we do not know when Edward Bowman affiliated with the GAR in Santa Cruz, we do know that in 1887 his name begins to appear in regards to the organization when he is elected as the Reynolds Post quartermaster. He also was elected to serve as an alternate delegate to the department encampment. In 1891 he was one of about 25 Reynolds Post members who were opposed to reunification with the W.H.L. Wallace Post; however once the reunion took place he became active in the new post and also served it as a quartermaster in 1896. Edward Bowman's name also appears at GAR social activities and patriotic events. Sarah Bowman was very active in the Women's Relief Corp and served as its President in 1894.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Research

Pension Records indicate that following the Civil War Edward Bowman returned and lived in Ohio for three years. Following that he apparently spent a period in Des Moine Iowa, during which time he married Sarah Keeler on August 30, 1869. He later moved to St. Louis MO, where he lived for 2 years, and then to Santa Cruz California where he remained for the 38 years remaining in his life. It appears from pension applications that there were no children born to this union.

Edward Bowman applied for an invalid pension on May 2, 1898 and supporting documents indicate that Edward Bowman age 20 of Mt. Eden Ohio had been enrolled as a private into Company E of the 107 Ohio Infantry at Cleveland Ohio on September 20, 1862. He was honorably discharged on March 4, 1863 because of a "Camp fever, rendering him unfit for re-enlistment according to surgeon's certificate of disability." He later provided the following affidavit. (Spelling and punctuation as written):

"I was in Pioneer Chor, and about 5 miles away from the Regiment when taken sick, when I got into Camp at Stafford Court House, the Regiment had left that place, and were on their way to Fredricksburg, and I was transferred by ambulance to General Hospital at Windmill Point, near Aqui Creek. During the time I remained in camp I had not attendance excepting that of Henry I Morris, who was left there, along with others who were sick. having never been sick before that time, I never had any need of being treated by Regimental Surgeon. I was at Windmill Point between Jany 20 & Feby 12 1863, and in Ward No 3. do not know who the surgeon in attendance was. I was transfered from there to Mt. Pleasant Hospital Washington D.C. and was there regularly treated by surgeon whose name I do not remember. Think I was there in 3d Ward. I was examined by seven surgeons, there, and discharged, but do not know the name of any of the surgeons. I never was under treatment by surgeons of my regiment, and while in Hospitals, I was too sick to make inquiry as to who was attending me, but know of the circumstances as above mentioned, and think Hospital records will show who was there. Edward Bowman"

A pension was awarded to Edward and was later transferred as a Widows Pension upon his death in 1914.

Date of Birth: 1841-12-17

Date of Death: 1914-21-07

County: Santa Cruz

Cemetery/City of Burial: Santa Cruz Memorial Park

Plot: A93

Mortuary: CCC

Cause of Death: Hrt/Angina

Date of Marriage: 1869/08/30

Spouse: Keeler_ Sarah

Occupation: Bus/Carriage

Height: 5'7

Complexion: Dk

Eye Color: Gr

Hair Color: Bk

Local Address: Ocean St 158

Last City: Santa Cruz

Native of: OH

Father Native of: John (GE)

Enlisted: 1862/08/09

Discharged: 1863/03/04

Military Unit: OH_ 107 Inf_ Co E

Rank: Pvt

Military Notes: R_E-N/L_ DbD-Wshngtn DC

GAR#: R98

Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records

CW Reference: SEN 1887/01/15

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-0100


Nelson, Robert L. “BOWMAN, EDWARD (1841 - 1914).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. Accessed 27 Feb. 2025.