Fire at the Swanton House

This photograph was taken during the fire at the Swanton House, which was a hotel on Front Street. The hotel is out of view to the left. Volunteer fire fighters from the Santa Cruz Hook and Ladder Company are hosing the building. The hose is the white line stretching across the roadway to a hydrant on Pacific Avenue. In the center of the photograph is the Flatiron building. The sign reads, "Tanner Drug Store. Imported Cigars, Sodawater...." Down Pacific, in the distance, is the Town Clock.

Source of information: Jerry Ochoa
Date: 1887
  • Santa Cruz (City)
  • 1880s
Rights: This photograph is courtesy of the Santa Cruz City Firefighters' Union.

Restrictions on Use
Identifier: LH-SCCFU-23


“Fire at the Swanton House.” 1887. SCPL Local History. Accessed 7 Feb. 2025.