Salz Tannery employees

Salz Tannery employed about 185 people in 1985. Though staff from every department was represented in this group photo, there were usually only 60-70% of the staff present at any given time. Whimsical cow cutouts were part of the courtyard scenery. The tannery was identifiable by the barn red color of its buildings.

Source of information: Jeremy Lezin
Date: 1985
  • Santa Cruz (City)
  • 1980s
Rights: This photograph was taken by Jeremy Lezin. It is the property of the Lezin Family and is displayed here with their permission.

Restrictions on Use
Identifier: LH-salz-028


“Salz Tannery employees.” 1985. SCPL Local History. Accessed 6 Oct. 2024.