Gene Flores and Salz Tannery sculpture

Santa Cruz artist Gene Flores designed a sculpture for Salz Tannery that was both beautiful and functional. Salz Tannery required a cooling tower for a particular piece of equipment. Norman Lezin decided that one of Gene Flores' fountain sculptures would achieve the same objective. It was forged from pie-shaped plates of white bronze, which were poured in sand and then bent with a large brake. Gene Flores worked out of his home on Redwood Drive off of Branciforte Drive. He created a significant work of art for $5,000.

Source of information: Jeremy Lezin
Date: 1975
  • Santa Cruz (City)
  • 1970s
Rights: This photograph is the property of the Lezin Family and is displayed here with their permission.

Restrictions on Use
Identifier: LH-salz-025


“Gene Flores and Salz Tannery sculpture.” 1975. SCPL Local History. Accessed 27 Sep. 2024.