Browse Items(128 total)

  • Tags: Clipping filed under: Demonstrations
CF-20190327-Outpouring of sympathyu for cirtically0001.PDF
Brian Willson

Date: 1987-09-03
Source: Register-Pajaronian
Type: NEWS

CF-20190328-McUCSC officials, student group clash 0001.PDF
no date, no source

Date: 0000-00-00
Type: NEWS

CF-20190328-Boycott successrul0001.PDF
2 copies

Date: 1969-02-04
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20190327-Young protesters0001.PDF

Date: 1991-01-17
Source: Register-Pajaronian
Type: NEWS

CF-20190328-Youths bring peace drive into SC0001.PDF
page 2 missing

Date: 1970-05-08
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20190328-Of cameras, socialists and super barri0001.PDF
UFW-United Farm Workers

Date: 1997-04-14
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20190328-ANti-Trident march Satrday0001.PDF

Date: 1977-12-07
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20190328-Bomb planted in SC courthouse0001.PDF

Date: 1971-06-17
Source: Green Sheet
Type: NEWS

CF-20190328-50 anti-nuclear demnstrators converge 0001.PDF

Date: 1979-05-27
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

CF-20190327-A sunny afternoon at a UC regents' mee0001.PDF

Date: 1968-10-18
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Type: NEWS

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