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7 results

  • Reader, Phil
  • Copyright 1996 Phil Reader. Reproduced with the permission of the author.
  • Time Line for the Establishment of the Pueblo de Branciforte By Phil Reader 1542 Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo and Bartolome Ferrelo, flying the flag of Spain, explore the west coast of North America. 1565 The Crown-sponsored Manila Galleons, from New
  • comment here, where they are taken as matters of course, but because they will help to eradicate from the Eastern reader's mind the absurd and unjust notion that the far West is "wild and woolly," that out here we go about with strange oaths in our mouths
  • the palm reader's clairvoyance in reverse, can study the lines and markings on a cowhide as it comes from the tanning vats and reconstruct much of the life history of the animal. The symbols burned deep in the flank or the shoulder he would recognize
  • in embryo. Mr. Abram T. King, who, as the readers of the SURF know, donated a part of the tract, has already received twenty-five applications for lots in his property outside the tract, the purchase conditional upon the establishment of the encampment. Mr
  • of operation and leave to the vision of the reader, the many benefits that can come to him and his community. For where there is an active motion picture production company in their midst, there must be reflected a considerable portion of its prosperity
  • , rather than just building a plant dedicated solely to supplying the needs of the Beach Company? 3. Did the COEC plan to develop hydroelectric power? 4. How was the COEC affected by the public utility regulatory environment existing at the time? The reader