Arthur E. Johnson (1918/11/03)

His "friends could hardly believe he had passed into the great beyond as they took a last look at this fine young man's face."

Arthur Edward Johnson was born in San Jose, California, on May 21, 1894, to Nels and Hannah Johnson. Along with two sisters and a brother, Rudolph, he lived with his parents at the family home on Third Street in Watsonville, California. Prior to World War I, Arthur was employed by the firm Iverson and Davis and was a member of the B.R.C.A. (believed to be the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America) #765. Johnson's work likely took him to Monterey County, as "auto loads of people from Salinas and Soledad" would later attend his funeral.

California Adjutant General records indicate that when Johnson entered the US Navy he listed San Francisco as his residence. His basic training likely took place at the Naval Training Station - San Francisco, which was located on Yerba Buena Island in San Francisco Bay.

After completing his initial training program, he was assigned to Submarine Chaser #285. That ship was stationed at Colon in the Panama Canal Zone to protect shipping lanes near the canal. While serving aboard that vessel, Arthur contracted malaria and died November 3, 1918.

Arthur Johnson's body was returned to Watsonville and his funeral was conducted in the home of his parents on December 17, 1918. Cadets of Watsonville High School served as his honor guard and later provided a gun salute and played taps at his internment in the Watsonville Pioneer (IOOF) cemetery.

(CAG; Joseph M Radigan, Sub Chaser #285, 1996-2005, http://, [16 September 2008]; USCR, 1900 US Census, CA, Santa Cruz; WRP November 7, 1918 3:2; WEP December 18, 1918 2:4)

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Remembering our own: the Santa Cruz County military roll of honor 1861-2010. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2010.
Date: Undated
Type: OBIT
Coverage: 1910s
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson and The Museum of Art & History.
Identifier: RO-JOHNSON,A


Nelson, Robert L. “Arthur E. Johnson (1918/11/03).” Remembering our own: the Santa Cruz County military roll of honor 1861-2010. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2010. SCPL Local History. Accessed 3 Mar. 2025.