John Mickelotti (1918/10/06)

An Italian immigrant made a large down payment on his adopted country, but was unable to reap the full benefit.

Guiseppe "John" Mickelotti was born on March 13, 1896, in the Tyrol province of Austria. Leaving his parents' home he migrated to California and established residence at Sunol in Alameda County. In 1917 he moved to Shasta County where he worked briefly as a miner.

On June 5, 1917, John Mickelotti registered for the draft in Shasta County. He indicated on his enrollment form that he was an unemployed miner and described himself as being tall and slender with black hair and brown eyes. During that summer, he moved to Santa Cruz County, informed the draft board that Bonny Doon was his new residence and shortly thereafter was drafted.

The name John Mickeletti of Ben Lomond was included among the county inductees leaving Santa Cruz, on October 5, 1917, for Camp Lewis, Washington. Following a nine- or ten-month training program, he would have likely been shipped overseas during the summer of 1918.

Upon arrival in France, Private Mickelotti reported to the 9th Infantry Regiment of the 2nd Infantry Division serving in the Champagne Ardennes Region and with little additional training, was committed to the Meuse Argonne. During the period of Mickelotti's combat service, the 2nd Infantry Division was heavily engaged in a major offensive in the Meuse Argonne. On October 6, 1918, John Mickelotti was reported killed in action and was buried in the American Cemetery in Romagne, France.

(WWIDR; CAG; ABMC; WIKI, 2nd Infantry Div.; EP August 31, 1917)

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Remembering our own: the Santa Cruz County military roll of honor 1861-2010. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2010.
Date: Undated
Type: OBIT
Coverage: 1910s
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson and The Museum of Art & History.


Nelson, Robert L. “John Mickelotti (1918/10/06).” Remembering our own: the Santa Cruz County military roll of honor 1861-2010. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2010. SCPL Local History. Accessed 3 Mar. 2025.