Clyde L. Clausen (1918/10/04)

Clyde Clausen was Santa Cruz County's sole "leatherneck" death in World War I.

Clyde Laurence Clausen was born in Brooklyn, New York, on May 23, 1894. Information regarding his family and connection with the county has not been found. He was described as being of an "adventurous disposition and anxious to see the world and take an active part in the big things that were going on." In 1917, before the US entry into the war, he left the county to travel toward New York with plans to visit family enroute and stop at different points of interest.

On April 26, 1917, while visiting friends at Port Royal, South Dakota, he enlisted in the US Marine Corps. After completing his basic training at Quantico, Virginia, he left for Europe and arrived in France ten days later.

During his wartime service in France, Clausen went "over the top "three times." The first trip over he was gassed slightly; the second time he met with no hurt, but the third time he gave his life for his country." According to the USMC 6th Regimental history, Clyde's Company M moved up to the front in the Meuse-Argonne area on October 2 and took up positions near Somme-Py. On October 4, 1918, the Germans launched a massive gas attack and artillery barrage upon the marine position that may have resulted in Clyde's death. The official Marine report of his death stated:
“Clyde L Clausen October 4- Killed in action by 067[?] South of St. Etienne, Champagne sector, Marne France. Date of burial, location and number of grave unknown.
Character that would have been used if discharged…Excellent.”

Clyde Clausen's body was initially buried in France, but was returned home following the war and interred in an unidentified Santa Clara County cemetery by the Monaghan Mortuary.

(WEP November 12, 1918 5:5; Santa Clara County Historical & Genealogical Society, Monaghan Mortuary Records; US Marine Corps Enlistment Records 1798-1940; Marine Corps in WWI, With the 4th Brigade of Marines,, [16 September 2008])

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Remembering our own: the Santa Cruz County military roll of honor 1861-2010. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2010.
Date: Undated
Type: OBIT
Coverage: 1910s
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson and The Museum of Art & History.
Identifier: RO-CLAUSEN


Nelson, Robert L. “Clyde L. Clausen (1918/10/04).” Remembering our own: the Santa Cruz County military roll of honor 1861-2010. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2010. SCPL Local History. Accessed 3 Mar. 2025.