Ben Lomond gears up for centennial

Faye Ellis reminds the town leaders of the approach centennial mark for Ben Lomond and suggests a festival. The town leaders expressed some reluctance as the last July 4th party got out of hand. The article also notes the history of the name and lists well known hotels that have been in Ben Lomond supporting the tourist industry over the years. The first was the Ben Lomond Inn built on the footprint of the original lumber mill.
Creator: Paul Beatty
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Date: 1987-01-11
Type: NEWS
  • Ben Lomond
  • 1920’s
  • 1920’s
  • 1930’s
Identifier: FE-BEN-Centennial-01


Beatty, Paul. “Ben Lomond gears up for centennial.” Santa Cruz Sentinel. 1987-01-11. SCPL Local History. Accessed 12 Mar. 2025.