Hollywood Treks To Santa Cruz; Three Companies To Arrive; Zasu Will Return
Hollywood's trek Santa Cruzward appears to have set in.
Following closely upon the successful filming of Fox's super-special, "Thunder Mountain," in the hills close about this city, during which time a cast and staff of fifty members were here for over a month, and the completion of Francis Ford's big serial for Universal in Boulder Creek and vicinity, comes news of considerable magnitude and much interest.
First of all we hear from Universal's big lot in the Southland that the results achieved by Francis Ford in this vicinity have prompted the decision on the part of the powers that be to send the noted mystery-serial director back to Our Mountains with even a bigger and better cast to make in its entirety the most elaborate serial Universal has yet attempted. The company, so our information goes, will arrive in these parts within thirty days.
Secondly, we get telephonic advices from our very especial friend and former Santa Cruzan, ZaSu Pitts, that she confidentially expects to see us again during the first week or ten days of September. Remarking incidentally that she has thoroughly recovered from injuries received in a recent auto accident in the cast of a Fox company of thirty members, directed by Frank Borzage, which will be sent either to Santa Cruz or Sausalito for a three weeks' filming of a big story--name of which was not given us. The probability was, she added, that Santa Cruz would be the locality chosen.
Information given us by Miss Pitts was confirmed by Victor Schertzinger, director with Frank Borzage on the Fox forces and who has charge of the recently completed "Thunder Mountain" story. Mr. Schertzinger stated over the phone to Jimmy Jones of the St. George Hotel that it had just been announced on "the lot" that the Borzage company was to go to Santa Cruz. Outside of Miss Pitts, the names of the principals were not given us. Duke Goux, business manager with the Schertzinger troupe on its trip here, will serve in a like capacity with the Borzage unit.
Thirdly, we announce a novelty in the coming to Santa Cruz and the St. George Hotel of the great film police dog, "Thunder," surrounded by thirty Renaud-Hoffman players and staff members. The organization will film "The Phantom Of The Forest" in its absolute entirety--including interiors--in this city and surroundings. The story is by Frank Foster Davis, owner of Thunder, and was adapted to the screen by James T. Tynan, who with Henry McCarthy, visited Santa Cruz over the week-end for the purpose of making preparations for the coming of the company. "Thunder" will be remembered as the wonder dog starred in "His Master's Voice," "The Silent Pal," and "Black Lightning."