Bruce Players Leaving; Local Film Finished

With the exception of a few finishing "shots" and water scenes, filming of the Santa Cruz Productions feature-length marine drama, "Hands Across The Sea," has been completed.

For the past few days the company has been disbanding, some going to San Francisco, others to Los Angeles. M. H. McCarthy, cinemotographer, one of the last to leave, departed Saturday for San Francisco to make some additional scenes at the Golden Gate where the tanker Lyman Stewart still sprawls on the rocks.

Charles E. O'Malley, who played one of the principal roles in the film, in conversation with a News representative Friday, voiced the sentiments of the entire group of movie people who have made their home here during the past six weeks at the Gribble apartments on Cliff Street.

"We have been treated royally," O'Malley said, "and we really feel reluctant about leaving. For myself, personally, I can say I hope and intend to return here at a not too far distant date for both business and pleasure.

"There is not one of us who has failed to glory in the beauties of Santa Cruz, the Big Trees, the beach, the country and the host of drives 'round about," he said further.

"Those at the financial helm," said O'Malley, "and especially F. M. Garrison, who was really our lieutenant, have treated us right and proven themselves good businessmen, making it a double pleasure to work in Santa Cruz."

The production, in practically completed form, will be reviewed in San Francisco this week by representatives of Kipling Enterprises, Inc., who have contracted for world releasing rights, and locally interested people."

Source: Santa Cruz Evening News , page 5
Date: 1923-03-05
Coverage: 1920s
Rights: Copyrighted by the Santa Cruz Evening News. Reproduced by permission.
Identifier: LN-1923-03-05-1156



“Bruce Players Leaving; Local Film Finished.” Santa Cruz Evening News , page 5. 1923-03-05. SCPL Local History. Accessed 17 Oct. 2024.