Many Watch Hart Company Sunday

Contrary to custom, the Wm. S. Hart Moving Picture Company, who have been filming a big new Western thriller in and around the Big Trees, Felton, and Capitola for the past three weeks, went through a hard day's work Sunday in order to take advantage of the excellent film weather. At the present rate the troupe will be ready to return to its southern home by the end of the week.

A crowd of interested fans thronged the side-lines all through the day, eager to get a glimpse of "Big Bill" Hart.

Unfolded before the eyes of those who came to see, lay a wagon show spread gaily forth beneath the redwoods. "The Ellis Road Show" was engaged in the somewhat zealous task of entertaining "Sierra Jim" and his bandit gang. A blare of trumpets and the fun started, for a group of nervous minstrel men, reminiscent of the "Primrose" days, began a frightened attempt to entertain the waiting horsemen. One poor "end man" made vain attempts to rattle his bones in the music tempo, but being unfortunately near a swaying bandit found himself time and again gazing up the muzzle of a dancing shotgun with which the now laughing bandit was gaily beating time on the pommel of his saddle.

Yesterday the troupe was busily engaged in producing new scenes at the "location" which is within view of the main road just north of the Big Trees."

Source: Santa Cruz Evening News , page 2
Date: 1920-03-30
Coverage: 1920s
Rights: Copyrighted by the Santa Cruz Evening News. Reproduced by permission.
Identifier: LN-1920-03-30-1135



“Many Watch Hart Company Sunday.” Santa Cruz Evening News , page 2. 1920-03-30. SCPL Local History. Accessed 15 Jan. 2025.