Film Company Finishes First Comedy Here

The Santa Cruz Film Company, which recently started operations here and has been using the studio in Laveaga Park for making "interiors," has completed the first one reel comedy. Two scenes at the high school and a scene at the depot and "The Matrimonial Mixup" will be finished and put out on the circuits. The new one reelers will be trade marked "Sphynx Comedies." --News.


Source: Santa Cruz Surf and Superior California Farmer , page 6
Date: 1919-02-27
Coverage: 1910s
Rights: Copyrighted by the Santa Cruz Surf and Superior California Farmer. Reproduced by permission.
Identifier: LN-1919-02-27-1123



“Film Company Finishes First Comedy Here.” Santa Cruz Surf and Superior California Farmer , page 6. 1919-02-27. SCPL Local History. Accessed 8 Jan. 2025.