Movie Troupe Is Quick To Get To Work

Miss Constance Talmadge, whom many have a screen acquaintance with, is one of the stars of the movie realm here with the D. W. Griffith Company, to take part in a big production dealing with the timber lands and the frauds committed among the big manipulators. There are 23 here with the company, under the direction of Paul Powell. Scenes yesterday were taken at Aptos, as a small logging town. The actors today will probably depart for the Gregory Ranch, where they will stay for a couple of weeks, when there will be some scene shooting among the pine timber of the San Vicente grant and at the logging camps of the San Vicente lumber company.

Six automobiles have been engaged, also a chef, waiters and a number of helpers, and a great quantity of provisions has been purchased and sent to the ranch.

When the players arrived yesterday morning they were met by Mayor Howe, Henry Stoddard and R. L. Cardiff of the Chamber of Commerce. All went immediately to the St. George. Chief of Police Frank Hannah assisted Director Powell in hurrying together a score of people to fill in for minor parts in the shots made at Aptos.

The members present with the troupe, with three players yet to arrive, are as follows: Miss Constance Talmadge, Mrs. Talmadge, Miss Byrd, John Leezer, Paul Powell, Leonard Wheeler, J. A. Eberts, H. B. Masters, C. H. Gorman, J. Sealock, Clyde Hopkins, J. P. Mason, H. E. Goodwin, J. J. Coakley, J. J. Brammall, J. E. Singleton, H. A. Sullivan, Alfred Poole, J. W. Hull and Ferd E. Graham.

Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel-News, Morning Edition , page 2
Date: 1916-12-09
Coverage: 1910s
Rights: Copyrighted by the Santa Cruz Sentinel-News, Morning Edition. Reproduced by permission.
Identifier: LN-1916-12-09-1092



“Movie Troupe Is Quick To Get To Work.” Santa Cruz Sentinel-News, Morning Edition , page 2. 1916-12-09. SCPL Local History. Accessed 16 Mar. 2025.