Santa Cruz Is Vacation Land And Home Land For All; Nature's Gifts And Man's Work

Santa Cruz, with its mile strand of perfect beach, world famous Casino, rugged and arched cliffs, evergreen mountains, trout laden streams, along which are nestled many cosy resorts, giant redwoods thousands of years old, and the state Redwood Park, where free camping sites and water are provided by the state; and a world renowned eighteen hole golf links, bids a "homey" welcome to the vacationist and tourist to come, that they may enjoy themselves in this garden of nature's gifts. A welcome is extended to those who are seeking rest and recreation under the most favorable conditions amid scenes that by their grandeur and accessibility, bring contentment.

Founded on the El Camino Real (King's Highway) by the Franciscan Fathers, whose wisdom in selecting this section as a mission site has been sustained throughout the intervening years by the rapid development of the city made possible by those who have visited it from the early years in history up to the present, and where the weary oxen wended their way over rough and dusty highways and by-ways in "ye olden time," a silver ribboned highway has replaced the old, and the oxen and the horse have been replaced by the automobiles which come from all directions; from Los Angeles 400 miles south and San Francisco, 78 miles north, over the state highway which connects with the county's One Million Dollar System, most of which is completed and nearly all of which will be available for travel by August first of this year. Santa Cruz has always been a mecca for thousands of people from other states as well as from the inland valleys of California and although next to the smallest county in the state, it is one of the greatest in diversity of products and natural scenic attractions.

The annual salmon run commenced on the 10th of May, and immediately a rush for Santa Cruz was on from San Francisco and Sausalito by all the small craft available, which added to the home fleet, numbered two hundred boats, and the catches continued to be heavy. This is one of the many wide varieties of fishing enjoyed.

In Santa Cruz County are gathered together within a radius of a few miles, all the attributes that go to make the passing of happy hours, days and months possible. From one of the finest bathing beaches on the western coast, one can motor in twenty minutes to enjoy the inspiring influence of the giant redwoods some of which are sixty-five feet in circumference, and from 250 to 300 feet high; or leave the surf or large crystal watered natatorium to the green fairways of the magnificent golf links on the hills above the city and bay, where a wonderful panoramic picture is unfolded.

Santa Cruz enjoys a year-round climate that compares most favorably with any other part of the world. This is becoming more and more generally known, resulting in the continual influx of vacationists and tourists who have been taught from childhood, that Santa Cruz is the land of sunshine, fruits, flowers and big trees. So magnificent are the lighting effects streaming through the giant redwoods in the Big Trees near the city and in the State Redwood Park, that many of the beautiful scenes of filmdom have been taken in this county, among them being: "The Primal Lure," by Wm. S. Hart, "The Flame of Hellgate," by Beatrice Michelena, "Jes' Call Me Jim," by Will Rogers, "The Cold Deck," by Wm. S. Hart, "Sudden Jim," by Charles Ray, "The Trail Of The Lonesome Pine," by Theodore Roberts, "The Heart Of The Redwoods," by Mary Pickford and Elliott Dexter, and many others.

Realizing the enormous traffic the future holds in store for Santa Cruz, some of the finest auto camps in the state have been established, there being four in number, two of which skirt the banks of the San Lorenzo River, affording swimming, fishing, and boating and having a capacity for hundreds of machines. It seems that not only nature has provided Santa Cruz with all the attractions sufficient to bring happiness and pleasure, but every provision is now being made by man to give the material comforts necessary for their fullest enjoyment.

The Santa Cruz Chamber of Commerce, having a membership of 600 men and women, is at your command, having for its motto "Service to the Stranger within our gates."

Truly Santa Cruz bids you welcome."

Creator: H. H. Main
Source: Santa Cruz Evening News , page 2
Date: 1921-05-28
Coverage: 1920s
Rights: Copyrighted by the Santa Cruz Evening News. Reproduced by permission.
Identifier: LN-1921-05-28-1072



Main, H. H. “Santa Cruz Is Vacation Land And Home Land For All; Nature's Gifts And Man's Work.” Santa Cruz Evening News , page 2. 1921-05-28. SCPL Local History. Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.