Jap Family With 3 In Army Seek To Return Here

Residents of Brommer avenue in the Live Oak districts are being sounded out as the welcome which might be accorded the Otsuki family should they return to their home from the Poston, Arizona, interment camp to which they were removed after Pearl Harbor.

Mr. and Mrs. Otsuki have three sons serving in the army, two of them being overseas. The parents are aliens the home being in the name of one of the sons.

While the majority of the neighbors felt that it might be best for all concerned if the Otsuki family postponed their return until the Japs have been crushed, they say they feel no animosity toward the former residents and if they return - well, there simply is nothing to do but accept them.

George Nakamura, alien Jap who returned here a couple of weeks ago and inquired about the possibility of remaining, was advised by two thoroughly sane and sound business men, with whom he used to deal, that it would be better if he should return to his home in Chicago and remain until after the war.

Apparently Nakamura did for he hasn't been seen here since that time. He has two sons in the service, one in the Philippines and one in Europe.

The hope that former Jap residents would remain away until after the war was generally expressed on the street. There always is the possibility of violence.

Lads who have fought the "Sons of Heaven" in the stinking jungles and who have seen their comrades tortured, and parents whose sons have been killed, obviously do not feel too kindly toward any member of the race.

And the concensus is that the army is making a very serious mistake in permitting the Japs to return to the coast. The people feel that the army is just asking for trouble, and that is what they DON'T want in this county."

Source: Riptide , page 3
Date: 1945-05-25
Coverage: 1940s
Rights: Copyrighted by the Riptide. Reproduced by permission.
Identifier: LN-1945-05-25-1013



“Jap Family With 3 In Army Seek To Return Here.” Riptide , page 3. 1945-05-25. SCPL Local History. https://history.santacruzpl.org/omeka/items/show/134704. Accessed 20 Oct. 2024.