Alien Rules Tougher, Some Exemptions Here

Certain designated classes of Italian and German aliens -- and a very few Japanese -- Monday held a reprieve from evacuation and military curfew regulations in effect Friday in this city and county.

At the same time, the army ordered all aliens subject to evacuation to remain at their present homes until the order is given compulsory evacuation plans are announced by authorities.

Midnight Sunday was the deadline for Japanese to move voluntarily from the prohibited area of the entire western coast.


Subject to furnishing proof of their status, the following classes of aliens will be exempt from evacuation, according to Lieut. Gen. John L. DeWitt, chief of the western defense command fourth army:

1.--German and Italian aliens 70 years old, or older.

2.--German and Italian aliens, parents, wives, husbands, children of (or other person living in a household whose support is dependent upon) any officer, enlisted man or commissioned nurse on active duty in the army, navy, marine corps or coast guard.

3.--German or Italian aliens, parents, wives, husbands, children of (or other person living in a household entirely supported by) any officer, enlisted man or commissioned nurse killed in line of duty with the armed services of the U. S. last Dec. 7, or since.

4.--Germans and Italian aliens awaiting naturalization who had filed naturalization petitions and paid the filing fees on or before last Dec. 7.

5.--Patients in hospitals, or confined elsewhere, too ill to be moved without danger to life.

6.--Inmates of orphanages and the totally deaf, dumb or blind.

Blanks for filing applications for exemption may be obtained from Earl Lawton, state employment office here.

The warning to surrender contraband followed sweeping raids in 13 counties in northern California over the weekend, netting 35 persons in 20 communities, among the five Japanese priests and several officers of the Imperial Japanese army.

Contraband specified in the order was listed as identical to that demanded of enemy aliens in a previous order, including short wave radios, explosives, signal devices and seven other items.

The warning also came on top of orders last week "freezing" Japanese and Japanese-Americans in Military Zone No. 1 -- Western Washington, Oregon, California and Southern Arizona -- until removed by Government order.

General DeWitt instructed all of Japanese ancestry in the eight western states who have not already disposed of contraband to deliver such items to the custody of the nearest office of the U. S. Employment Service for disposition.

Such contraband is being received here by Lawton.

All persons were requested to report any known violations to the nearest police office or agency.

Criminal penalties of a years' imprisonment or $5000 fine, or both, will be sought against any Japanese found with contraband after midnight Tuesday, and aliens will be subject to internment, the warning pointed out. Specific articles of contraband are: Firearms, weapons or implements of war or component parts thereof, ammunition, bombs; explosives or component parts, short wave radio receiving sets having a frequency of 1750 kilocycles or greater, or 540 kilocycles or less; radio transmitting sets, signal devices, codes or ciphers and cameras."

Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel-News, Evening Edition , page 1
Date: 1942-03-30
Coverage: 1940s
Rights: Copyrighted by the Santa Cruz Sentinel-News, Evening Edition. Reproduced by permission.
Identifier: LN-1942-03-30-896



“Alien Rules Tougher, Some Exemptions Here.” Santa Cruz Sentinel-News, Evening Edition , page 1. 1942-03-30. SCPL Local History. Accessed 18 July 2024.