YOUNGLOVE, DWIGHT J (1831 - 1900)
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Santa Cruz Surf (February 10, 1900)IOOF Cemetery, Santa Cruz
Twentieth Anniversary
"It is pleasant to be remembered" Thus thought Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W. Younglove on Friday evening when a party of their friends took possession of their residence on Church street, the occasion being their China wedding anniversary. Both host and hostess were remembered with pretty pieces of China. The evening was pleasantly spent with music, singing and guessing the total number of ages present. Judge Craghill and J.B. Brown guessed the nearest to being correct in summing up the ages, which proved to be 85 years.
At 10:30 all sat down to enjoy a savory lunch, and it was a late hour when good nights were said, all wishing the genial host and hostess many happy anniversaries.
Santa Cruz Sentinel (July 24, 1900)
Younglove- In this city, July 23, Dwight Younglove, a native of Massachusetts, aged 67 years and nine days.
The funeral will take place from his late residence No. 51 Church St. tomorrow (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p.m. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend.
Cal Lonics
On Monday afternoon D. Younglove died at his residence on Church St. Mr. Younglove had resided here many years. He was a veteran of the Civil War, and a member of Wallace Reynolds Post.
Santa Cruz Sentinel (July 26, 1900)
The funeral of the late Dwight Younglove took place Wednesday under the auspices of Odd Fellows, Rebecca's and Grand Army. Rev. MD Buck officiated.
Santa Cruz Sentinel (July 27, 1900)
The late Dwight Younglove came to California in 1864 and by dint of a closed application, amassed a fortune. He was born in Great Barrington Massachusetts. He leaves a widow, two sons, and a sister to mourn his loss. He had been unfortunate in business in the last five years which prayed on his mind, and no doubt hastened his death. He served in C and D Companies of the 5th Wisconsin during the war.
Notes from Phil Reader
Dwight Younglove, 69 years 0 months 9 days. Massachusetts. Died July 23, 1900, buried Church St. IOOF. Co. G, 5th Wisconsin Infantry.
Date of Birth: 1831-07-14
Date of Death: 1900-23-07
County: Santa Cruz
Cemetery/City of Burial: Santa Cruz Memorial Park
Plot: G38
Mortuary: S&H
Cause of Death: Stm/CngBwl
Date of Marriage: 1880/02/09
Spouse: (Younglove)_ Elmira
Occupation: Bus/nown
Religion: Me
Local Address: Church St 51
Last City: Santa Cruz
Native of: MA
Enlisted: 1861/05/10
Discharged: 1861/12/25
Military Unit: WI_ 5 Inf_ Co G
Rank: Pvt
Military Notes: R-N/L_ DbD
GAR#: R98
Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records
CW Reference: W&R 1896 Roster