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American Civil War Research Database, Historical Data Systems

Pvt. Charles H. Winter, a 29 year old resident of Lewiston ME; enlisted as a substitue, and was mustered in to "F" Co. ME 11th Infantry on 8/10/1864.

He was discharged on 5/30/1865.


In April, 1864, the 11th ME joined Gen. Butler's command at Gloucester Point, Va., and during the remainder of the war saw almost continuous fighting. On Nov. 2, 1864, about 130 of the men left the field for Maine, as their term of service had expired, and were mustered out at Augusta on Nov. 18. The next day, Nov., 3, the rest of the regiment went with Gen. Butler to New York to assist in maintaining order in that city at the presidential election, after which it returned to the front. The total casualties of the regiment during 1864 were 363, killed, wounded, missing and prisoners. It received 549 recruits, also a full company of volunteers--the 8th unassigned infantry.

During the first three months of 1865, it formed a part of the 3d brigade, 1st division, 24th corps, and was stationed near the New Market road, 10 miles from Richmond. On March 27, it crossed the James and Appomattox rivers, engaged the enemy at Hatcher's run on the 31st, and was almost constantly exposed to the fire until April 2, losing meanwhile 3 enlisted men killed, 2 officers and several enlisted men wounded, and 1 officer and 15 enlisted men captured. It participated in the assault and capture of Forts Gregg and Baldwin, losing 25 enlisted men killed and wounded, and on the 3d moved with the army in pursuit of Lee's forces. At "Clover Hill" on the 9th, it lost 6 enlisted men killed, 2 officers and 29 enlisted men wounded. It remained in the vicinity of Richmond until Nov. 24, and on the 26th, moved to Fredericksburg, where it remained, doing patrol and other duties until the middle of Jan., 1866.

Records from the Santa Cruz Genealogical Society

Great Register 1882 #3071 Winter, Charles Henry 46 yrs. old @ Aug. 11, 1880 bp. Maine Merchant Felton
Great Register 1890 #1883 Winter, Charles Henry 54 yrs. old @ Aug. 14, 1888 bp. Maine Merchant Felton
Index to the Daily Santa Cruz Surf: Winter, C. H. New store in Felton 1878 Jun 1 3:1
Index to the Daily Santa Cruz Surf: Winter, C. W. [sic] Elected J. P. 1891 Feb 3 3:4
Index to the Daily Santa Cruz Surf: Winter, C. H. Retires from Felton bus. 1898 Dec 19 1:3
Index to the Mountain Echo, B.C.: Winter, Charles Henry On visit to Boston 1904 Aug 13 3:4
Index to the Daily Santa Cruz Surf: Winter, C. H. Visits former home 1904 Aug 11 4:3

Daily Santa Cruz Evening News (May 27, 1924)

Old Resident Is Dead

Word was recently received here of the death in Los Angeles of Chas. H. Winter, who for forty years called Felton his home. When his advanced years made it impractical for him to live alone, he went to Los Angeles, where he has spent the past four years with his nephew and niece. While he was happy in his new home he remained loyal to Felton to the last, thinking it the best spot in the world. Mr. Winter was a civil war veteran and had just passed his 90th birthday.

Retrieved from the Index to the Daily Santa Cruz Evening News.

Date of Birth: 1834

Date of Death: 1924-05-25?

County: Los Angeles

Occupation: Merchant

Local Address: Felton

Last City: (CA LA 24)

Native of: ME

Enlisted: 1864/08/10

Discharged: 1865/05/30

Military Unit: ME_ 11 Inf_ Co F

Rank: Pvt

Military Notes: R-Lewiston_ Substitute_ D-VA

Available records used to obtain information:
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records

CW Reference: EVN 1924/05/27

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-1095


Nelson, Robert L. “WINTER, CHARLES HENRY (1834 - 1924).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. Accessed 6 Oct. 2024.