WAGNER, HOMER A (1846 - 1926)

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Santa Cruz Sentinel (February 18, 1917)


The W.R.C. and G.A.R post gave a reception to Post Commander Wagner and Mrs. Wagner on Thursday at the Relief Corps headquarters being the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. There were present about a hundred to greet and felicitate the young old couple as they passed the golden period of their married life.

At the noon hour a splendid dinner was served by the Relief Corps, over which a social hour was spent. This was followed by a program of recitations, reading and music by the corp member and short talks by some of the comrades. It was an enjoyable entertainment in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, whom from all appearances bid fair to reach the diamond wedding anniversary. No more social and pleasant gathering had been had by the veterans and their wives for a long time.

From 4 to 6 o'clock a neighborhood reception was held at the comfortable home of Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, when the neighbors dropped in to wish them continued good health and happiness. Light refreshments were served, good cheer and friendship reigned until the evening hour came.

It was a delightful day, spent with favorite friends in a delightful way. At the close of the day the curtain was rung down with good wishes for the continued prosperity and health of the guests of the occasion. It will be a bright spot and time in memory of all who participated and the addition of another link in the chain of friendship between Mr. and Mrs. Wagner and their multitude of friends.

Then at 7:30 the members of their 500 club, to the number of 16 came in and helped them finish out the day and part of the night, all having a merry time. Mrs. Wagner was ably assisted through the day's entertainment by Mesdames Marchant, Armstrong and Croop. The bride and groom of 50 years received many useful and beautiful presents, and will dwell with pleasure on the memories of the perfect day.

Those present in the evening party were Mr. and Mrs. Sickler, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Marchand, Mr. and Mrs Limout, Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Paine, Mrs. Piffard, Mrs. Tridal, Mrs McCarrier.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (December 1, 1917)

Farewell Reception

A farewell reception will be tendered Commander Wagner and family at the Native Sons Hall today from 10 o'clock to 2 , by the members of the Wallace-Reynolds Relief Corp. A dinner will be a feature of the farewell entertainment, for Commander Wagner has many friends here, where he has been Post Commander for eight years. Commander Wagner removes with his family to Oakland where one of his daughters is a teacher in the public school.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (February 13, 1921)

H.A. Wagner, who was prominent as a member of Wallace-Reynolds post, G.A.R.. has been ill in bed for about two weeks at his home in Oakland, with a bad cold and bronchial troubles.

Oakland Tribune (May 10, 1926)

Homer Wagner, 80 a twenty year resident of California died yesterday at his home at 5205 Manila St. Services will be held at 2 PM tomorrow. Internment Mt. View Cemetery.

He was Past Commander, Appomatox Post # 50 GAR, and member of Santa Cruz Lodge #91 IOOF.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (May 11, 1926)

H.A. Wagner Died in Oakland on Sunday

H.A. Wagner, formerly of Santa Cruz and at one time truant officer, passed away Sunday in Oakland. He was well known in Santa Cruz and was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Lane of 125 River street this city received news of Wagner's death Sunday and yesterday attended the funeral in Oakland.

Editorial Notes from Robert L. Nelson

Homar A. Wagner served as Post Commander for more years than any other individual and was extremely active. He first appears in GAR related articles in February of 1906 when he volunteers to serve as one of the team members visiting Santa Cruz schools on Lincoln Day. Over the years he continued to volunteer for most GAR related programs. In 1908 he was elected Sr. Vice Commander of the Post and in 1909 Post Commander. During the next 8 years Homar Wagner filled that position. When old soldiers needed help or required transportation and physical assistance in getting to Sawtelle, or Yountville, Homar Wagner was the individual who frequently provided it. In 1917, Homar Wagner moved from Santa Cruz to the Oakland area where he remained until the end of his life.

Date of Birth: 1846

Date of Death: 1926-09-05

County: Alameda

Cemetery/City of Burial: Oakland

Plot: Mtn. View

Date of Marriage: 1867/02/15

Spouse: (Wagner)_ Emma

Occupation: Law/Truent Off

Height: 5'11

Local Address: Riverside Ave 44

Last City: (CA Oakland 18)

Native of: IL

Enlisted: 1862/08/22

Discharged: 1863/02/06

Military Unit: IL_ 105 Inf_ Co H

Rank: Cpl

Military Notes: R-Sandwich_ DbD

GAR#: WR32

Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
California Death Index
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records

CW Reference: SEN 1917/12/01

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-1025


Nelson, Robert L. “WAGNER, HOMER A (1846 - 1926).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. https://history.santacruzpl.org/omeka/items/show/134001. Accessed 6 Oct. 2024.