TURBETT, ALVARADO D (1848 - 1926)

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Santa Cruz Sentinel (February 2, 1926)

DIED: TURBETT - In Santa Cruz, Feb 1 1926, Alvarado D. Turbett, aged 77 years 9 months, native Ohio.

Death Takes A.D. Turbett, G.A.R. Vet

After an illness lasting about six months, Alvarado D. Turbett 77 years old, well known Santa Cruzan, where he has lived for many years, a Grand Army man, passed away at his residence last night at 19 Younger Court.

"Dad" had many friends in this state who will sincerely mourn his passing. A kindly, gentle, generous soul, his smile and hand clasp were worth going a long way to see and feel.

He was first stricken last summer and went south to the hot springs and also took a trip up into the mountains in the hope of regaining his health, and then came back to Santa Cruz, resigned to await the end.

His son, Jack Turbett, and his wife, have been taking care of him since he was first taken ill and he has had every attention that it was possible to give.

For several years he ran the hot dog concession at the beach later retiring and living quietly at his place on Locust street, with occasional trips to Yountville to visit old comrades or his sister in the south.

His life was a busy one. In his younger days he was a hard rock miner in Leadville, Cripple Creek and other Colorado mining towns before coming to the coast. After coming to the coast he served for some time as marshal in one of the oil towns of the southern end of the state, when it took a husky man to handle the oil men and always gave a good account of himself.

He also was a Mason, having joined an eastern lodge when he became of age and he has always retained his membership in the order.

One of the last acts he did was to have a friend of his write a Masonic poem for his son, Jack to learn.

The body is at Wessendorf & Son's undertaking parlor and funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (February 3, 1926)

Turbett Funeral Is Held Today

The funeral of A.D. Turbett is to be held today at the Wessendorf & Son's undertaking parlors at 1 o'clock, after which the remains will be shipped to Cypress lawn for interment.

The services will be conducted by Santa Cruz Lodge No. 38, F & A.M.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (February 4, 1926)

Masons Hold Last Services For A.D. Turbett

With the beautiful impressive last rites of the Masonic lodge, Santa Cruz F & A M No. 38 gave loving tribute to A.D. Turbett at the Wessendorf undertaking parlors in the presence of Masons and friends of the deceased.

Many floral tributes were sent in remembrance and the flag was used to drape the casket.

The white apron and other emblems of the Masonic order were laid by loving hands on the casket and many friends took their last farewell look at the man who had the sunny smile for all rich or poor. This morning the remains will be sent to Cypress Lawn for cremation.

On account of the stormy afternoon the G.A.R.. members did not turn out in force.

Mr. Turbett's sister, his son Jack and wife were all the near relatives who could be present.

Date of Birth: 1848-04-04

Date of Death: 1926-01-02

County: San Mateo

Cemetery/City of Burial: Colma

Plot: Cypress Lawn

Mortuary: W&S

Cause of Death: Cncr/Liver

Occupation: Bus/HotDog

Local Address: Younger Ct 19

Last City: Santa Cruz

Native of: OH

Father Native of: John (OH)

Enlisted: 1865/04/04

Discharged: 1865/09/11

Military Unit: OH_ 64 Inf_ Co H

Rank: Pvt

Military Notes: R-N/L_ DbD-St Louis


Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records

CW Reference: SEN 1926/02/02

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-1007


Nelson, Robert L. “TURBETT, ALVARADO D (1848 - 1926).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. https://history.santacruzpl.org/omeka/items/show/133983. Accessed 3 Oct. 2024.