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Santa Cruz Sentinel (July 10, 1906)
J. G. Schroeder
IOOF Cemetery in Santa Cruz

DIED: SCHROEDER - In Santa Cruz July 9th John George Schroeder, a native of Michigan aged 62 years 7 months.

Taps Sound for John George Schroeder
Vice-Commander of Wallace-Reynolds Post. G.A.R. Hears Last Call to Arms

John George Schroeder, a veteran of the civil war and vice-commander of the local G.A.R. post, died at his home, 38 Pennsylvania Av., Monday afternoon, after only four days sickness. Shortly before his death Schroeder remarked to his wife that he was having a delightful rest and a few minutes after he made a sudden movement and life was extinct.

The end came peacefully for the old veteran, who was 63 years of age and was born near Detroit, Mich. He enlisted in the 18th U.S. Infantry and served four years, nine months of which were spent in Libby prison. He came to California in '67, settling near Paso Robles where he retained a farm of 400 acres until his death. He also owned a ranch in Blackburn gulch which was a great source of pride to him. Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder came to Santa Cruz three years ago and have become so much identified with the life of the community that his death will be a distinct loss to this city.

He leaves a son, Arthur V. Schroeder, the contractor and three daughters, Mrs. W.C. Blewett of Merced, of Merced, Mrs. Richard Barber of Pennsylvania Av., this city, and Mrs. Carrie Johnson of Suisun. His father is still alive and active, living in Michigan. Deceased had been master of the Masonic lodge at Paso Robles and had served as school trustee as well as held other public offices in the southern county.

The funeral will be conducted by the Masons and the G.A.R. and W.R.C. will attend in a body.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (July 13, 1906)

Heard Strange Music at Death of Schroeder
Mrs. A.V. Schroeder and a Friend Heard Guitar Music and Strange Rappings on Monday Morning

Mrs. Arthur V. Schroeder of 296 Broadway, whose father in Law, John G. Schroeder, an old soldier, died on Monday morning at his home on Pennsylvania Av., relates a remarkable experience which may interest those who believe in spirit return.

Mrs. Schroeder the younger was sitting in her dining room talking with a young friend at about 10:30 on Monday morning, when the two young women heard peculiar music, like the tolling of a bell, from a guitar which was lying on the lounge in the next room. At the same time, Mrs. Schroeder, who is accounted by her friends a remarkable physical medium, began to notice things on the table moving towards her. A paper bag in her hand began rattling and the two young women went into the adjoining room to investigate. The music stopped as soon as they entered but began again after they left the room. The second time it was much stronger and both ladies are positive that no human hands made the music.

At this time neither of them knew of the death of Mr. Schroeder, senior, who was then dying at his home two blocks away. It transpires that it was just at this time, however, when the guitar was playing and Mrs. Schroeder was being made the plaything of unseen forces, that the old soldier was breathing his last. He died at 11:20 that morning and the guitar music lasted from about 10:30 until a quarter of twelve.

Mrs. Schroeder's young lady friend, who was seen by a "Sentinel" reporter and who also vouches for the truth of this story, was quite upset by the rappings which seemed to come from the inside of the guitar and the uncanny experience she passed through.

Mrs. Schroeder states that the music continued to play at intervals until noon, when her husband came home and announced that his father was dead.

Notes from Phil Reader

38 Penn Ave. John George Schroder, aged 62 years 7 months 0 days, died July 10, 1906. He was born Dec 22, 1843 in Michigan, and worked as a Farmer. His father was John Schroder of Germany, and his mother was also born in Germany.

Date of Birth: 1843-12-22

Date of Death: 1906-09-07

County: Santa Cruz

Cemetery/City of Burial: Santa Cruz Memorial Park

Plot: H73

Mortuary: W&S

Cause of Death: Hrt/Related

Spouse: (Schroder)_ Carrie

Occupation: Farmer

Local Address: Pennsylvania 38

Last City: Santa Cruz

Native of: MI

Father Native of: John (GE)

Enlisted: 1861/

Discharged: 1865/

Military Unit: USA_ 18 Inf_ Co D

Military Notes: P-Libby

GAR#: WR32

Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records

CW Reference: SEN 1906/07/10

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-0883


Nelson, Robert L. “SCHROEDER, JOHN GEORGE (1843 - 1906).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. Accessed 3 Oct. 2024.