RANDALL, CHARLES H. (1844 - 1908)

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Sawtelle Soldiers Home Records
Portrait of Charles H. Randall

NAME: Charles H Randall
REGISTER #: 8094

Military History

RANK/CO/UNIT: Pvt/Co F/37th WI Infantry
ENLISTMENT: 1864/03/03 River Falls, WI
DISCHARGED: 1865/05/25 Madison, WI Mustered out
DISABILITY: Loss left arm 3" below elbow, slight right hemiplegia, Santa Barbara 1896

Domestic History

BORN: New Hampshire (1845?)
AGE: 62
HT/CMP/EYE/HR: 5'10"/Dk/Bl/Dk/Literate
RELIGION: Protestant
OCCUPATION: Mail Carrier
NEXT OF KIN: Mary Randall, Sawtelle

Home History

ADMISSION: 1907/02/04
DATE OF DEATH: 1908/09/07
CAUSE OF DEATH: Cerebral Hemorrage

General Remarks

PENSION CERT: #455,368
BURIAL INFO: Section 15, Row A, No. 8

Santa Cruz Sentinel (December 7, 1901)

A Wedding Which Was Witnessed by the Woman's Relief Corps.

Under a canopy of flags Charles Randall and Maria Coolbaugh were united in marriage Friday afternoon at the Masonic Hall in the presence of members of the Wallace Reynolds Post and W.R.C. The groom is a veteran of the Civil War, proved his valor and courage by facing so many of his comrades, but like a true soldier, he performed his part bravely, never once faltering or showing any signs of retreat from the time he marched into the hall until Chaplain McCreary pronounced the joyful words that made him a husband.

The hall was prettily decorated for the occasion. In the center was the alter draped with the silken folds of the flag the bride and groom love so well. Upon it was a set of silver spoons from the Women's Relief Corps, a gift from the groom to the bride. There were also a chair and centre table from the G.A.R. Post and a chair from Mr. Randall's associates in the Post office.

As the bridal party entered the hall the wedding march was played by Mrs. Florence Shelton.

Charles Craghill was escort and at the door the bridal party divided. Mr. Craghill and color bearers, Mrs. G. Littlefield and Mrs. H.F. Pendleton, as escorts, preceded by the groom, who was attended by G.W. Newhall.

The bride wore a gown of a castor shade with lace and brown velvet trimming. She was attended by Mrs. G.W. Newhall. They were preceded by Rev. E.D. McCreary, and the color bearers, Mrs. Susan Wells and Mrs. May Darling.

The two sections of the bridal procession met at the alter, the bride and groom stood in front of a floral alter and then the color bearers, each with the flag, formed a canopy above the couple while the marriage ceremony was performed by Dr. McCreary.

After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Randall received the hearty congratulations of the people present. They are to make their home on Lincoln St.

They have the best wishes of many friends for a happy matrimonial journey.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (September 11, 1908)

DIED: RANDALL - At Soldiers Home, Santa Monica September 17th, Charles H. Randall of Santa Cruz aged 66.

Charles H. Randall who died the other day at the Soldiers' Home in Santa Monica used to be a letter carrier at the local post office.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (September 11, 1908)

Taps Sound
For Charles H. Randall, an Old Soldier
And for a Number of Years a Local Mail Carrier

Mrs. A.H. Kane is in receipt of a letter from her husband at the Soldiers' home at Santa Monica, which bears the sad intelligence of the death of Charles H. Randall, a Santa Cruzan well known, especially among the old soldiers. He had been very ill the past few months and on last Sunday had another stroke of paralysis, which caused his death. He was buried on Wednesday in the south.

The deceased for a number of years as a mail carrier in the local post office and had many friends, as he was courteous and obliging. He was a member of Wallace Reynolds Post. G.A.R., and was married a few years ago in this city at the Woman's Relief Corps, of which Mrs. Randall was an active worker.

Date of Birth: 1844 (1839?)

Date of Death: 1908-07-09 (1906?)

County: Los Angeles

Cemetery/City of Burial: Los Angeles National

Plot: 15/D/08

Mortuary: SH

Cause of Death: Strk/Related

Date of Marriage: 12/6/1901

Spouse: (Coolbaugh)_ Maria

Occupation: Postal Wrkr

Religion: Me

Height: 5'10

Complexion: Dk

Eye Color: Bl

Hair Color: Dk

Last City: (CA Sawtelle 08)

Native of: NH

Enlisted: 1864/03/03

Discharged: 1865/05/25

Military Unit: WI_ 37 Inf_ Co F

Rank: Pvt

Military Notes: E-River Falls_ M/O Madison

GAR#: R98

Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records
Sawtelle Soldiers Home records

CW Reference: SEN 1901/01/05

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-0823


Nelson, Robert L. “RANDALL, CHARLES H. (1844 - 1908).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. https://history.santacruzpl.org/omeka/items/show/133799. Accessed 4 Oct. 2024.