LOGAN, WILLIAM (1833 - 1898)

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Sawtelle Soldiers Home Records
William Logan
Evergreen Cemetery

NAME: William Logan

Military History

RANK/CO/UNIT: Pvt./C Co. 28/Massachusetts Infantry
ENLISTMENT: 1864/07/06 Boston
DISCHARGED: 1865/06/30 Alexandria VA

Domestic History

AGE: 53
HT/CMP/EYE/HR: 5'10"/Fair Complexion
RESIDENCE: Allegheny City PA
NEXT OF KIN: Hugh N. Logan, Hamilton MO

Home History

ADMISSION: 1890/07/29
DISCHARGED: 1891/06/12 Own Request

PENSION CERT: #543.053

Great Register of Los Angeles County, 1890

William Logan age 57 a native of Pennsylvania, a resident of the Soldiers Home was registered.

Santa Cruz County Hospital Records (February 8-28, 1898)

William Logan, age 65, a laborer, by trade, and a native of Pennsylvania was admitted to the County hospital on Feb 8, 1898 for asthma and chronic alcoholism. He died at the hospital on Feb 28, 1898.

American Civil War Research Database, Historical Data Systems

Massachusetts and Sailors and Marines in the Civil War

John Goodrich, age 32, was drafted into company D of the 20th Massachusetts at Boston on July 6, 1864. He listed his occupation as “Boatmanand his residence as Vicksburg, MS. He deserted at Camp Distribution Virginia on September 27 and was arrested on September 28, 1864, (place not stated). He was summarily court-martialed. As terms of his court-martial he was assigned to C Company of the 28 MA Inf. While serving with that unit he was wounded at Hatchers Run VA on March 25, 1865. He was honorably discharged on June 30 1865 at Alexandria VA.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (March 2, 1898)

Sentinel Jottings

Wm Logan, a veteran of the civil war died Monday at the County Hospital.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (March 3, 1898)

Local Jottings

The funeral of Wm Logan took place Wednesday afternoon under the auspices of Wallace Reynolds post GAR. Interment was in the GAR plot in Evergreen.

Santa Cruz Weekly Surf (March 3, 1898)

A Soldiers Burial

The funeral of William Logan, an old Soldier, took place on Wednesday from Scott's Undertaking Parlors. There, services were under the auspices of Wallace Reynolds Post, GAR and the interment was in the GAR plot at Evergreen Cemetery.

Editorial Notes from Robert L. Nelson

National Archives and Records Administration Research, October 2003

On April 23, 1886, while living in Dayton Ohio, William Logan applied for a pension which was rejected. He described himself as being 5'10 1/2tall, of a fair complexion, with auburn hair and blue eyes. He listed his occupations as laborer and sailor. The pension request was rejected and submitted numerous times until finally approved. Below is listed a copy of the deposition that accompanied his September 1890 application stating in detail his grounds for pension consideration:

Case of William Logan No. 571.629

On this 29th day of September, 1890, at Soldiers home county of Los Angeles State of California, before me J.W. Dufour, a Special Examiner of the pension office, personally appeared William Logan, who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to him during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says:

"I am the identical William Logan who enlisted in Co. C 28th Massachusetts Regt. Infantry Volunteers July 6th, 1864. I have no occupation and my PO address is Soldiers Home, Los Angeles Co. California. Immediately after enlistment I was sent to Gallop Island Boston harbor and was there probably six weeks when I was sent to Camp Taylor Arlington Heights VA until the post was abandoned, probably three months.

"I was Acting Orderly Sergeant, of Co B. While there, I was then sent to Co C. 28 Mass. Vol Inf. at Ft. Steadman Va. and was there until the battle of Petersburg, VA, in which my company participated, late in action about time of repulse, it must have been 3 or 4 o'clock when I was wounded in the left side of my head which resulted in tremendous pain, hearing, injury and sight. The next day I was sent to City Point Hospital VA and was sent back to regiment on the 29th day of April 1865. The battle was March 25, 1865. I road [sic] in the ambulance pretty much all the time until I was discharged. I as not with Co. when discharged, but in camp near Alexandria VA. It must have been at or near Arlington. We then went to the disbandment camp and Camp Readville nine miles from Boston Mass.

"I went from there to Washington, D.C. and was there probably six weeks and then went to Buena Vista Pa. and was sick all winter and was attended by my brother in law Dr. Knox. I lived with my brother in law Philip Swanger; his PO address was Buena Vista PA. Dr. Knox lives in East Liberty, PA I believe. The next spring I came out on the plains and undertook to work on the U.S. Rail road but could not do much on account of heart disease and head trouble and they pronounced it incipient paralysis at the Dayton Home. I tried to drive a two horse scraper, but after a few days I gave it up and worked in a boarding house washing dishes etc. It was at Bryant Station, but I could not tell the name of the man who kept the house. I had no doctor there. I made my way somehow or another without means and was in Sacramento Cal. until the spring of 1869 doing little jobs about. I remember one man I worked for named Boggs he teamed and I did odd work about the stable and house. I don't know or remember Christian name.

"I then came to San Diego, and was in the county hospital there and was troubled with heart disease and head trouble there. I then worked my way to Plumas Co. and was in the County hospital there about four months I think. I was an ambitious temperament and got out of such places as soon as possible. Dr. Fisk of Quincy treated me there. I think I went down in Sacramento Valley, begging and working when I could and I have been in this state pretty much since. I came to Fresno from Sacramento. I worked some- herded for Tyle O Heskell. I then went to Tehama County and worked for a man named Thomas Kinefic his PO address is Vina California.

"I was confined in the asylum at Stockton for insanity for at three different times, not exceeding three months at either time. Dr. Mix first examined, but was thrown out by medical association. Dr. Stearn and Rogers together examined me twice. Dr. Rogers still lives at Bakersfield in this state. After that I got some aid from Comrades GAR men and got as far as Davenport Iowa. When Col Egbert a prominent man of that place sent me through to the Dayton Home and I then went in County Infirmary for six months before I could get in home. I was discharged from Dayton Home July 1886 and worked my way through Arkansas and New Mexico to this coast the climate was so much better for me here. I went to Tulare and worked for a man named Grimsley pumping water for stock in the pasture. I only got $10 a month and board. My eye and head hurt me all the time and I could not do much work of any kind.

"Last spring I undertook to work for E. Matthews at Marysville Cal. cutting wood for stove- looked out for a few sheep and drove cows to and from pastures and such chores as that. I was with him 70 days just for my board. I then got an order to go to Los Angeles California Medical Pension Board and Mr. Matthews gave me the ten dollars to go.

"I never was wounded in the hand. I never received but one wound in the service and that was at Petersburg VA. March 25, 1865. I was on the extreme right front of my company when wounded. Comrade Crowley was file leader near 14 inches back of me when I was shot. Sergeant Freeman helped me to the rear. I was dazed but not knocked down further than my knees by the shot. I was in the field hospital delirious until sometime next day when I was put on train and sent to City Point Hospital. I forgot the number. One of my comrades William Haggan I think was in hospital with me- of my company and regiment. I am not positive, I think he was there and I think Jno. Nooreau of my company out of 69th NY Volunteers was in there wounded too. I cannot remember other names. I have heard my statement read oil [sic] is correct you know Locust Grove is at Petersburg./p>

Signed, William Logan

Editor's Note: William Logan's pension file is extremely large and his witnesses could not remember him or the instance of his being wounded. A pension application was ultimately approved.

Date of Birth: 1833

Date of Death: 1898-02-28

County: Santa Cruz

Cemetery/City of Burial: Evergreen Cemetery

Plot: G20

Mortuary: JWS

Cause of Death: Pul/Asthma

Occupation: Seaman

Height: 5'10

Complexion: Lt

Local Address: County Hospital

Last City: Santa Cruz

Native of: PA

Enlisted: 1864/07/6

Discharged: 1865/06/30

Military Unit: MA_ 28 Inf_ Co C

Rank: Pvt

Military Notes: R-Vckbrg_(MA 20 D as Jhn Gdrch)


Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records

CW Reference: SUR 1898/03/02

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-0605


Nelson, Robert L. “LOGAN, WILLIAM (1833 - 1898).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. https://history.santacruzpl.org/omeka/items/show/133581. Accessed 6 Oct. 2024.