LINCOLN, ORLANDO JAY (1847 - 1926)

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Official Military Certificate of Record
Orlando J. Lincoln

Orlando Lincoln enlisted from Knox County, Maine, Sept. 10, 1862 at the age of 15 years and 7 months to serve nine months, and was mustered out of the United States service at Augusta, Maine October 14,1862, as a Private of Captain Augustus N. Linscott's Company "F", 21st Regiment Maine Volunteer Infantry, Colonel Elijah D. Johnson Commanding.

This regiment was organized at Augusta, October 14, 1862, ...that they were quartered at East New York, where they remained for two months, then proceeded to New Orleans, La. arriving there on the first day of February, 1863. It was immediately moved to Baton Rouge, La., where it was assigned to the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, __Army Corps, and was chiefly engaged in picket duty a protecting the City from repeated attacks of guerrillas, until March 14, 1863, when it was among the first to (attack) the works of Port Hudson, to cooperate with the fleet which passed those works on that memorable night. Again, on the ___of May, it met with enemy on Port Hudson plains fighting diligently against superior numbers. It participated in the siege of Port Hudson, May 25th to July 9th, including the assaults of June 7, and June 14, losing in these engagements eighty eight men killed and wounded. Its term of service in the meantime had expired, but they volunteered to remain until the Port, which was accomplished July 8, 1863. July 25, it embarked for Maine, and was mustered out at Augusta on the 25th of August.

The said Orlando Lincoln was promoted to Corporal. He was wounded at Port Hudson, La. July 14, 1863; gun shot in the left hand band both legs, but was only in the field hospital. He was constantly with his command during its service as outlined and rendered faithful and meritorious service to his country.

He received and Honorable Discharge at Augusta, Maine on the 25th day of August 1863, by reason of expiration of term of service.

He re-enlisted for the 2nd Maine Cavalry but was rejected on account of disability.

He is a son of Nathaniel and Matilda R (Lombard) Lincoln, was born at Washington, Maine, on the 29th of January 1847, was united in marriage to Sarah Hurlin at Antrim, N.H. September 17, 1872, from which union were born two children viz.: and Robert O.

He is a member of Wallace-Reynolds Post, No. 32 Department Cal. and Nev. Grand Army of the Republic of which he is the Past Commander. He is also a member of the F&AM and of ___.

After leaving the service he entered the employ of the Metropolitan Railroad at Boston Mass. and was for several years assistant Superintendent of same. He has held public office as Member of the Board of Education; Deputy County Assessor, City Clerk, School Trustee, 18 years and is at present serving his fourth term as Postmaster Santa Cruz, Cal.

His brother, Augustin L. served in the 2nd Cal Cavalry, his brother Webb O., served in Company "I", 20th Maine Infantry in the war.

Monterey and San Luis Obispo County Records


To the energy, resourcefulness and capacity of the postmaster, Orlando J. Lincoln, the city of Santa Cruz and its mail service owe much. Mr. Lincoln was born in Washington, Lincoln (now Knox) county, Me., January 29, 1847, and was a son of Nathaniel Lincoln, of that town, the latter being a second cousin of Abraham Lincoln. At the age of fifteen he enlisted in the Twenty-first Maine Infantry and accompanied his regiment to the front, remaining until the expiration of his term of service. Meantime he had received a promotion to the rank of corporal. During one of his engagements with the Confederate forces at Port Hudson, La., he was wounded, but, notwithstanding this, he earnestly desired to re-enlist. Being unsuccessful in this, as he was not accepted, he went to Boston and there entered the service of the Metropolitan Horse Street Car Company, of which in time he rose to be superintendent, holding the position for six years.

About that time he contracted a lung and bronchial trouble which compelled him to resign all work and look for a friendlier air and climate in that far west which has since claimed him as its son. Coming direct to Santa Cruz, in the year 1879, Mr. Lincoln seemed to find almost at once the balm he was seeking; and now, in common with the many others who have added more and happier years to their earth existence amid the perpetual flowers and fruits of this climate, he enjoys not only vigorous physical life, but also those chosen labors which have added so much to the progress of his adopted city. In 1883 he became deputy county assessor and superintendent of the city water-works, which positions he filled for eight years, and later he held the office of city clerk for six years.

During 1899 Mr. Lincoln succeeded W. T. Kearney as postmaster of Santa Cruz. With characteristic energy he at once set about improving the service, with such success that where at that time but eight mails were received and discharged in one day, he now has fifteen daily mails. The services of five clerks are employed to handle the mails and six carriers are engaged in delivery service, the office having had free delivery since 1889. In connection with the office there are two rural routes. About 1900, when the enterprising postmaster attempted to establish a circuit of twenty-three miles, he found himself facing the problem of being responsible for having four miles of mountain-grade road built. This he at once assumed. The construction work was accomplished with the aid of landowners. Its successful accomplishment makes it possible for a man to deliver mail over the twenty-three miles, starting at one o'clock in the afternoon and returning in time for the six o'clock evening mail for San Francisco. By this means the rural districts can have their daily mail and papers, and keep in close touch with friends and the world.

Mr. Lincoln chooses competent assistants, and with their aid has made the service at Santa Cruz the equal of any in the state and a source of satisfaction to the residents and visitors in the Flower City. The post office occupies a building on Locust street, owned by F. A. Hihn, and large and modern in all its details. By the marriage of Mr. Lincoln to Miss Sarah Hurlin, who was reared and educated in New England, Mr. Lincoln has two children: Mabel, a teacher in the Santa Cruz schools; and Robert, who is a student. The schools of this city are of interest to Mr. Lincoln, who has been an efficient member of the school board for fourteen years, laboring for educational progress and welfare. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and Wallace Reynolds Post No. 32, G. A. R., in which he has been commander and senior post commander. In religious belief he is a Congregationalist.

History of the State of California and Biographical Record of Santa Cruz, San Benito, James Miller Guinn

Orlando Lincoln.
D: April 1, 1926 79years 2 months 2 days.
B: Jan 29, 1847.
Father: Nathaniel Lincoln- Maine
Mother Matilda Lombard-Maine.
Wife Sarah H. Lincoln Los Robles
Informant R.O. Lincoln, Los Robles S.C. Co.
Mt. Olivet Cemetery- Colma

Source: Phil Reader's Notes

Santa Cruz Sentinel (January 13, 1906)

National Commander “Corporal Tannerof the G.A.R. has appointed Postmaster O.J. Lincoln as a colonel on his staff.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (April 3, 1926)

DIED: LINCOLN- In Santa Cruz, April 1, Orlando J. Lincoln, a native of Maine aged 79 years, 2 months and 2 days.

Funeral of the deceased will be held from the C.C. Chase undertaking parlors Saturday at 2 p.m. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend. Interment private. Please omit flowers.

Ex-Postmaster O.J. Lincoln Dies At Los Robles

Orlando J. Lincoln who, for many years has been prominently identified with the life of this community and one greatly beloved at the family circle and highly respected by the many citizens, passed away, yesterday at the family residence Los Robles. For many years he served his city in an official capacity and later his government as postmaster.

Mr. Lincoln was born in Maine 79 years ago, and at his teens enlisted in the Union army when only 15 years of age. He enlisted in the 21st Maine volunteers and took part in the siege of Port Hudson and while attacking in a storming party was wounded and later invalided home.

In this city Mr. Lincoln was always identified with the G.A.R. He was first the W.H. Wallace post G.A.R. and a charter member of the Reynolds post on organization, and later of the Wallace-Reynolds post when they combined. He was a past commander of the organization.

He came to Santa Cruz about 45 years ago with his wife and daughter Mabel and for a number of years resided on Church Street. Later he purchased the Bricwedel place at Pacific avenue and Laurel Street, and a number of years ago bought property where he passed away, bordering Schwann’s lagoon at East Twin Lakes. It was bordered with oaks and from the oaks he gave the place its name Los Robles.

A lovely bungalow residence was built and being one devoted to his home and family, he enjoyed this home and soon beautified the grounds with the finest of flowers and shrubs. This developed into the Los Robles company, which is managed by the son. Robert O. The nursery and bulb growing has continued to grow and more property from time to time has been added until the Los Robles bulbs are known the country over.

Before coming to Santa Cruz he was connected with the Metropolitan street railways in Boston, ultimately becoming assistant superintendent of the corporation.

When he first came to Santa Cruz he had the western agency for the hammock chair. He came to Santa Cruz on account of his health, his brother Charles residing her. His first public position was deputy county assessor afterwards acting as city clerk for a number of years. In these offices one were more competent as he was an accountant of ability.

Mr. Lincoln in politics was a Republican and was prominent in the county organization and was rewarded by his party and served as postmaster under four Republican presidents, and mainly through his work in cooperation with former Congressman Needham the modern Santa Cruz post office building was secured.

Mr. Lincoln was always interested in educational matters and served many terms as school trustee in the Santa Cruz schools and gave much of his time in the promotion of the local schools.

He for many years was a regular attendant at the Congregational church. He is survived by his wife Sarah Lincoln, a daughter Mabel, for years a teacher in the local schools, and son Robert of the Los Robles Bulb Co. and a grand daughter, Jean Lincoln.

Funeral services will be held on Saturday at 2 p.m. at the parlors of C.C. Chase. The omission of flowers is requested, thought friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited t attend. Interment will be private.

Santa Cruz News (April 3, 1926)

Simple Rites for Postmaster

Funeral services over the late Orlando J. Lincoln, former postmaster of Santa Cruz and a resident of this city for many years were held this afternoon at 2 o’clock in Chase’s undertaking parlors. The services were conducted by the G.A.R. and Rev. C.T. Leachman of the Episcopal Church officiated. The funeral was most impressive in its beautiful simplicity, and scores of friends of the deceased attended, including representatives of the local post office department. Services were conducted without music or flowers. Interment will take place at a later date, as plans have not been made as yet.

Editorial Notes from Robert L. Nelson

Robert Lincoln Jr. noted in an interview that cremation was selected because of the fear prevalent at that time that it might be possible for the deceased to revive in their coffin.

Date of Birth: 1847-01-29

Date of Death: 1926-01-04

County: San Francisco

Cemetery/City of Burial: Colma

Mortuary: CCC

Cause of Death: Art/Sclerosis

Date of Marriage: 1872/09/17

Spouse: Hurlin_ Sarah

Occupation: Admin/PstMstr

Religion: Co

Height: 5'11

Complexion: Dk

Eye Color: Br

Hair Color: Bk

Local Address: Los Robles Rd.

Last City: Santa Cruz

Native of: ME

Father Native of: Nathaniel (ME)

Mother Native of: Lombard_ Matilda (ME)

Enlisted: 1862/10/13

Discharged: 1863/08/25

Military Unit: ME_ 21 Inf_ Co F

Rank: Cpl

Military Notes: R-Washington_ M/O-Augusta

GAR#: R98

Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records

CW Reference: JFR 1886 Roster

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-0593


Nelson, Robert L. “LINCOLN, ORLANDO JAY (1847 - 1926).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. Accessed 26 Sep. 2024.