HATCH, ISAAC C (1827 - 1903)

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Santa Cruz Surf (September 5, 1885)

Experimental Cotton Culture

"For de yam will grow and de cotton blow And we'll had de rice and corn."

We were much interested this week in a visit to the experimental garden cultivated by I.C. Hatch and located in the grounds of S.W. Field, on Locust street (bluff). Mr. Hatch, who has formerly resided in the Southern States, was deeply imbued with the belief that cotton and rice could be successfully cultivated in this county. To demonstrate that his faith was well founded he secured a small plat of land on the premises of Mr. Field on the bluff and has devoted leisure hours this season to "cotton growing." The present appearance of the "crop" certainly justifies the confidence of the grower. He has several hundred thrifty cotton plants which give promise of maturing a good quantity of cotton. Much of the "field" is now in blossom and the sight is for this section a very novel and interesting one. The cotton plant looks like cotton and nothing else, although in color of stalk and leaf in its earlier stages it bears a slight resemblance to buckwheat. The blossom on opening day is of a creamy white, changing to a pin on the second day, and withers on the third day. Present appearances are that the seed plants will produce from twelve to twenty bolls each, an average which Mr. Hatch estimates would yield a bale to the acre (500 pounds) of cotton. His experiment includes the long staple, the short staple and the sea island cotton. To determine which variety would be best adapted to this section would require further experiment, but one thing is certain, they will all grow.

Mr. Hatch is also experimenting with several southern trees and plants. He has secured a fine stand of upland rice which grows as if spontaneous from the soil. Although' deservedly pleased with the success of his garden there is nothing Mr. Hatch takes more delight in exhibiting to visitors than an ordinary box under the shade of a friendly tree which contains half a dozen live coffee plants from seed all the way from Costa Rica. The aroma of these plants is not very perceptible at present and the ragged looking little beans persist in growing wrong end up, just like the original Boston bean, but still the prospect is good that they will justify the care of their foster father and come out all right in the Spring. Further developments of Mr. Hatch's experiment will be watched with interest.

Santa Cruz Surf (March 3, 1903)

Isaac Cooper Hatch
A Man of Many Parts Who Passed Old Age in Blindness

Ten to fifteen years ago the name of I.C. Hatch was one frequently found in the Surf. In those days although a man of years he stood erect, and his bearing was that of a gentleman of culture. He was much given to speculation and experimentation. He was greatly charmed with the climate of Santa Cruz, and having lived in the South, he attempted the experimental cultivation of cotton and rice in Santa Cruz. Both plants grew and flourished but there was no inducements to grow them for profit. He was much annoyed at the discordant ringing of the church bells and succeeded for a season in an attempt to have them rung in unison.

The infirmities of age and finally total blindness withdrew him from active life and his last years were made comfortable in the family of S.E. Miller.

His death occurred today at the advanced age of 91 years. He was a native of New Jersey.

Editorial Notes from Robert L. Nelson

March 23, 2000

Isaac C Hatch entered the Santa Cruz County Hospital April 1st 1902. He listed his nativity as that of New Jersey and his occupation as laborer. At the time he was admitted his marital status was listed as married, but was later changed to widower. The reason for his admission was classified as "blindness". He remained in the hospital until March 1st, 1903 where he died at 7:00 o'clock PM. Evergreen notes indicate that he was buried in Evergreen, and given his financial condition and military service I feel confident that he was buried in the G.A.R. plot which had available space to accommodate him at the time of his death.

August 2000

I.C. Hatch is not at Evergreen; his headstone was located by Timothy Reese SUCVW in the Hatch family plot.

May 21, 2001

Record of Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, Sailors and Names By Monterey County indicate that Isaac Hatch was buried in San Carlos Catholic Cemetery, Monterey on July 21, 1914, which may indicate that he was reentered.

Date of Birth: 1827

Date of Death: 1903

Available records used to obtain information:

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-0441


Nelson, Robert L. “HATCH, ISAAC C (1827 - 1903).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. https://history.santacruzpl.org/omeka/items/show/133417. Accessed 4 Oct. 2024.