GUNTER, HINSON (1836 - 1916)

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Record of Members of the Grand Army of the Republic
Hinson Gunter
Oakwood Memorial Park

Hinson Gunter

Hinson Gunter was born in Greencastle, Putnam County, Ind., May 5 1845, has been a farmer, and is at present a viticulturist. He first enlisted in Company B 27th Missouri Infantry, in September, 1861, and was discharged in February, 1862, by reason of disability arising from a severe attach of measles. He re-enlisted in Company M, 3d Iowa Cavalry, in June, 1863 where he served as a private. Three of his brothers enlisted with him in the 3d Iowa. He served in the Department of Missouri and Department of Mississippi, and was attached to Wilson's cavalry command. He was in the battles of Brownsville, Bayou Metoe, Little Rock, Bentonville, Pine Bluffs, Arkadelphia Ark., Salisbury, Tenn., Salem, Miss., Guntown, Tupelo, and Old Town Creek. In the action at the last named place he had a foot crushed by plunging of a horse, necessitating the amputation of some of his toes, for which injury he receives a pension. Until thus laid up he was never absent from company a day, nor missed an action in which his company was engaged; as soon as fit for active service reported for duty, and remained with company until after the close of the war, being mustered out at Atlanta GA., August 9, 1865. Upon his return to private life engaged in farming at his old home in Iowa until 1882, when he came to California. He is a member of John A. Dix Post G.A.R. at San Jose Cal., where he resides.

Santa Cruz Surf (March 10, 1916)

Death of Hinson Gunter

Hinson Gunter, an old soldier and GAR veteran died last night at his home. He was 79 years of age and a native of Indiana.

Funeral services will take place from C.C. Chase Saturday afternoon 2:30 PM.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (March 12, 1916)

The funeral services of Hinson Gunter were held at C.C. Chase's parlors Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The members of the Wallace-Reynolds post, G.A.R. had charge of the services. Col. W.V. Lucas gave a fitting eulogy to a departed comrade, to one who had so bravely aided in helping defend and keep intact our glorious Union.

All honor to the brave war veterans who hold our nation dearer than all else; many acts of their bravery have never been recorded in history.

The hymns, "Nearer, My God to Thee," "Jesus, Lover of My Soul" and "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" were beautifully rendered by Ida Gridley and Mrs. M.C. Jones; E. Colvin pianist. A delegation of the W.R.C. attended the service.

The pallbearers were Col. W.V. Lucas, Commander H.A. Wagner, Comrades Shippy, William Else, W. R. Sargent and D. McAdams.

The floral offerings were Easter lilies and a beautiful flora piece of white hyacinths and asparagus ferns with the word "Father".

Eva L. Colvin, P.C.

Date of Birth: 1836-05-05

Date of Death: 1916-09-03

County: Santa Cruz

Cemetery/City of Burial: Oakwood Memorial Park

Plot: B1/08

Mortuary: CCC

Cause of Death: Hrt/Related

Spouse: (Gunter)_ Tessie

Occupation: Farmer

Local Address: Highland 199

Last City: Santa Cruz

Native of: IN

Father Native of: Thomas ()

Mother Native of: Gates_ Nancy ()

Enlisted: 1863/08/08

Discharged: 1865/10/19

Military Unit: IA_ 3 Cav_ Co M

Rank: Pvt

Military Notes: R-N/L_ W_ M/O-Atlanta

GAR#: (CA) 42

Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records

CW Reference: Cemetery Survey

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-0406


Nelson, Robert L. “GUNTER, HINSON (1836 - 1916).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. Accessed 26 Feb. 2025.