COLBY, GEORGE G (1847 - 1943)

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Santa Cruz Sentinel (March 22, 1898)

George Colby and family have returned home from Lloyds Mill on the Costella place. It required the services of Deputy Constable Corey to put Mr. Colby in possession of the premises as the occupant of the place, who had resided there several years without paying rent, was disinclined to give up a good thing.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (April 15, 1932)

Celebrates 55th Wedding Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. George G. Colby, 117 Kearney street, yesterday celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary with a dinner and family reunion at which as many as possible of their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were preset.

Mr. Colby is 85 years old and his wife 10 years his junior. He was born in Maine and she was born in Missouri and both have lived in Santa Cruz County for more than 60 years. Mr. Colby is a Civil War veteran and many years ago was proprietor of the Felton hotel, at one time Alamos hostelry.

They were married in 1877 in the Newell home at Ben Lomond, Judge Newell officiating. Of the large family of children born of their union four daughters are still living and are enjoying the anniversary reunion. They are Mrs. H.J. Martin of Glenwood, Mrs. A.H. Ashley of Santa Cruz and Mrs. Belle Ashley and Mrs. Mina Kilfoyl, both of Watsonville. There also are 13 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. It was open house at the Colby home yesterday and many friends called to express congratulations and best wishes for many happy returns of the day. Numerous messages were received from those who were unable to be present at the dinner and reception. The happy couple also received many lovely gifts and floral expressions of good wishes.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (January 22, 1943)

G.G. Colby, GAR Vet Dies at 95

With the death of George C. Colby Friday morning at the age of 95 and a half years, there remains but one member in the entire county of the Wallace Reynolds post Grand Army of the Republic, Comrade John Smith, his 101 year old Civil War comrade and devoted friend.

Mr. Colby was born in Maine. He served during the Civil War in the First Maine Cavalry, and at the close of the war he sailed around the Horn and arrived in California in 1870.

Two years later Miss Amanda Hayes arrived in Oakland after a slow emigrant train trip across the plains from her home in Missouri. Four years later she became the bride of George Colby with the late Judge Newell of Newell Creek officiating. They spent most of their married life in Santa Cruz.

Last April Mr. and Mrs. Colby celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary.

Mr. Colby was a blacksmith and wheelwright and for many years drove an ox team. The family home is 292 Ocean Street where he lived for about 35 years and where he passed away Friday.

Surviving his passing are his widow Amanda V Colby, and daughter Mrs. Julia Martin of Los Gatos, Mrs. John Hein of San Jose, Mrs. Marguerite Ashley of Santa Cruz, and Mrs. Albert Ashley of Los Gatos. Mrs. Earl Harris is a niece. There are about a dozen grand children and 25 great grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are pending at the Wessendorf mortuary.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (January 25, 1943)

George G. Colby Funeral Held Monday Afternoon

Many old time friends and a large group of relatives gathered in the Wessendorf mortuary chapel Monday afternoon to pay their last tribute of love and respect to Geo. G. Colby, who served in the Civil War and whose death leaves but one member of the Wallace Reynolds post Grand Army of the Republic living in this county.

Rev. Heber St. Clair Mahood officiated at the simple rites, and the veterans of Foreign Wars had charge of the graveside service in Felton cemetery.

Representatives of patriotic organizations in addition to the V. of F.W. were Spanish American War Veterans, American Legion, Disabled American War Veterans, Woman's Relief Corps, and Daughters of the Union Veterans of the Civil War and other groups.

Phil Reader's Notes (from Death Certificate)

George G. Colby residing at 292 Ocean St. 95Yrs, 6Mo, 8Days died Jan 22, 1943. He was a native of Maine, a Carpenter, and in the Civil War.

His father was Daniel Colby of Maine, and his mother Sarah Choate.

His wife was Amanda V Colby 292 Ocean St. He had been a resident of California 69 years and Santa Cruz 35. He was buried in Felton.

Date of Birth: 1847-07-14

Date of Death: 1943-22-01

County: Santa Cruz

Cemetery/City of Burial: Felton Cemetery

Mortuary: WES

Date of Marriage: 1877/04/14

Spouse: (Colby)_ Amanda

Occupation: Blacksmith/Bus

Height: 5'6

Complexion: Dk

Eye Color: Bk

Hair Color: Bk

Local Address: Ocean St 292

Last City: Santa Cruz

Native of: ME

Father Native of: Daniel (ME)

Mother Native of: Choate_ Sarah ()

Discharged: 1865/06/08

Military Unit: ME_ 1 Cav_ Co H

Rank: Pvt

Military Notes: R-Windsor_ Also DC 1 Cav

GAR#: WR32

Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records

CW Reference: SEN 1943/01/22

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-0199


Nelson, Robert L. “COLBY, GEORGE G (1847 - 1943).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. Accessed 3 Oct. 2024.