CLARK, HENRY HULBERT (1835 - 1916)

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History of the State of California and Biographical Record of Santa Cruz, San Benito, Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties, James Miller Guinn
Henry H. Clark


Although ranking high among the healers of men, and the recipient of a patronage at once gratifying and remunerative, the career of Dr. H. H. Clark has been broadened into many side channels of activity, including that of mayor of Santa Cruz, promoter of the first electric light plant, and of the first street car line, as well as many other enterprises of equally substantial merit. A native of Onondaga county, N. Y., he was born February 10, 1835, his father's farm being located at Fort Herkimer, twelve miles from Syracuse. The family fortunes were shifted to Wisconsin in 1841, and here the parents, Aaron and Margaret (Fox) Clark, engaged in farming for four years, removing then to Chicago, Ill. Aaron Clark was a cabinetmaker by trade, and in his younger days devoted himself to this occupation. In later life he farmed exclusively, and his death occurred at Cambridge port in 1893.

At a comparatively early age Dr. Clark made up his mind that he had ambitions which would never be satisfied on a farm, and after finishing at the public schools began to read medicine with Dr. Brainard. He was licensed to practice by the Northwestern Society in 1854, and thereafter located in White county, Ill., where he achieved some success, and at the same time continued to add to his professional knowledge. He graduated from the medical department of the University of Ohio, in Cincinnati, in the class of 1871, and then located in Chicago as surgeon for the Chicago & Eastern Iowa Railroad Company, his term of service expiring in 1887. The exigencies of the Civil War presented an opportunity admirably maintained by Dr. Clark, who went as surgeon to the front, and was with Grant at the battle of Pittsburg Landing. His discharge was effected at Santa Fe, N. M., and he then returned to his practice in Edwards county, Ill. In 1889 he located in Santa Cruz, and in 1890 became associated professionally with Dr. Fagan [Fagen], one of the very early and prominent physicians of the town, and whose history may be found in another part of this work. This association was thoroughly satisfactory, and continued until the death of Dr. Fagan [Fagen] in 1899, since which time Dr. Clark has engaged in an independent practice.

The professional usefulness of Dr. Clark has been augmented by his electrical researches, of which he is making a specialty, and in the application of which he has achieved marked success. Elaborate opportunities for experiment and treatment are to be found in his well equipped offices, not the least important of his many devices being the only X-ray machine so far imported into the county. The success of these electrical treatments have amazingly augmented the practice of the learned doctor, and he is therefore recognized as an authority on this continually unfolding method of healing. But recently his theories have been demonstrated with most satisfactory results in his own case, for his recovery from a very serious operation is undoubtedly due to the vivifying and life giving properties of this all too little understood science. It is hoped by his friends that many years will be spared him in which to continue the work in which he is so intensely interested, and which promises so much in its present and future possibilities.

In Wayne County, Ill., Dr. Clark married Matholda Shannon, niece of Ex-Governor Wilson Shannon of Ohio. Of this union seven children were born, three of whom are living: Hattie S.; Hulbert W., an electrician of Santa Cruz; and Theodore G., a medical student. Dr. Clark has been prominent in Republican politics for many years, and was so popular that he was elected mayor of the town in 1896, serving for two years. He was public administrator and county coroner from 1894 until 1898, and filled other offices of honor and responsibility. He was one of the chief promoters and stockholders as well as a director of the Santa Cruz electric light plant, and he was equally prominent in securing the establishment of the first streetcar line, later changed to the electricity system. The doctor is identified with the State Medical Association, and as a Mason is a Royal arch and Knight Templar. He is popular and widely known, and is an integral part of the professional and general prosperity of his chosen city. (p. 675-676)

Santa Cruz Sentinel (November 17, 1909)

Dr. H.H. Clark

Among the professional men of this city one of the oldest in point of residence and probably the oldest as regards years of practice is Dr. H.H. Clark with offices in the Leask Building. Dr. Clark began practicing medicine in 1854, and at the time the war broke out had taken four courses in medicine, besides having the advantage of active practice. In 1861 he entered the United State Army as acting surgeon and continued in that capacity until the close of the war in 1865. At the close of the war, having no means at his command it was some years before he could finish his medical education and he was awarded his diploma by the Medical College of Ohio in 1871. He practiced in Illinois for a number of years and from 1880 to 1887 was surgeon for the C. & E. I. R.R. He located in Santa Cruz in 1888, where he followed his profession ever since. Dr. Clark is a general practitioner and during the time he has been here has been most successful. His office is equipped with all the latest instruments and appliances, including an X-ray machine, for both electrical medical treatments and X-ray examinations; a Finsen light, Violet Ray, apparatus for treating an external local skin disease such as lumpus, cancer, etc. Faradic and Galvanic Plate and many other forms of electrical appliances.

Dr. Clark has always taken a leading part in public affairs in this city and foremost in promoting anything that had for its aim the welfare of the community. He was one of the leading promoters of the electric light plant and the electric road in Santa Cruz and gave freely of this time and means in furthering these and other important improvements. From 1896 to 1898 he was Mayor of Santa Cruz, and came within five votes of being re-elected the following term.

Dr. Clark was identified with the Republican Party from its inception, casting his first presidential vote for Fremont in 1856. Since the Blaine Campaign in 1880, however he has been an independent in politics, voting for the man rather than the party.

Despite the exactions of a busy professional life and the fact that he is getting along in years, he still finds time to take his full part as an enterprising citizen, socially, professionally and politically.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (December 27, 1916)

Ex-Mayor Clark Dies At Age of Eighty-Two

In the death yesterday morning at his home on King St., Santa Cruz loses a well known and prominent citizen in the person of Dr. Hulbert Henry Clark, former mayor of the city and former coroner and public administrator of Santa Cruz county. For a long time the doctor has been declining, but despite his last year of feebleness and the many operations he had undergone previously, Dr. Clark must have been of the most robust type of physical manhood or he never would have reached the ripe old age of 82 years.

Dr. Clark was a Civil War veteran; he was a republican in politics and a prominent Mason, being a Knight Templar. In 1896 Dr. Clark was elected mayor of Santa Cruz. He served as coroner and public administrator for the county from 1894 to 1898.

Dr. Clark was born in Onondaga county, New York, in 1835, his father's farm being located at Fort Herkimer, 12 miles from Syracuse. The family removed to Wisconsin in 1841 and later to Chicago, where Dr. Clark after graduating from the public schools, took up the study of medicine and was licensed to practice in 1854. He later attended the University of Ohio, in Cincinnati graduating from there in the class of 1871, and then located in Chicago as surgeon for the Chicago & Eastern Illinois railroad. Before this he went as a surgeon in the Civil War and was with Grand at the battle of Pittsburg Landing. He located in Santa Cruz in 1889 and was associated with the lade Dr. Fagan until Dr. Fagan's death in 1899.

He was one of the chief promoters and stockholders and also a director of the Santa Cruz electric light plant, and was also prominent in the establishment of the first streetcar line here.

He is survived by three children, Hattie S., Hulbert W., and Theodore G. Clark, all of Santa Cruz.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (December 29, 1916)

Laid to Rest at SCruz/OMP

Yesterday afternoon from his late home on King St., the funeral of the late Dr. H.H. Clark was held. There was a large number present and the funeral offerings were profuse. Services were conducted by Rev. E.D. McCreary. Interment was at SCruz/OMP cemetery and the pallbearers were C.D. Tinkle, W.F. Moore, L.C. Matinee, Frank Morrison and E.H. Harran.

Date of Birth: 1835-02-10

Date of Death: 1916-26-12

County: Santa Cruz

Cemetery/City of Burial: Oakwood Memorial Park

Plot: O7/01

Mortuary: CCC

Cause of Death: Cncr/Stomach

Occupation: Physician

Religion: Me

Height: 5'9

Local Address: Mission & King

Last City: Santa Cruz

Native of: NY

Father Native of: A. (NY)

Mother Native of: Fox_

Enlisted: 1861/

Discharged: 1865/

Military Unit: USA_ Med Corp

Rank: Sur

Military Notes: Not on HDS/SSS Database 04/04

GAR#: WR32

Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records

CW Reference: SEN 1897/05/26

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-0185


Nelson, Robert L. “CLARK, HENRY HULBERT (1835 - 1916).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. Accessed 3 Oct. 2024.