BROWN, WILLIAM (1844 - 1932)

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Santa Cruz Sentinel (February 5, 1924)
William Brown
IOOF Cemetery in Santa Cruz

Celebrates 80th Birthday

William Brown held an informal reception Monday afternoon, Feb 4, at his home, 517 Seventh Ave., Twin Lakes, in honor of his 80th birthday. A number of friends called during the afternoon to partake of the birthday cake and coffee. Mr. Brown received several remembrances, cards and flowers. He was born in Stockport, England, in 1844, coming to this country at the age of 12. He did military duty, and is one of the few G.A.R. veterans who still remain with us in this locality. In his young manhood he took up farming, later becoming interested in the butcher business; building a very successful meat market at Gridley in Butte county, which he disposed of to his sons about 12 years ago when he retired from active business and came to Santa Cruz [and] purchased property at Twin Lakes, where he has since resided. He is a remarkably well-preserved old chap much more active than many men of 65; drives his own car, cultivates a fine lot, garden and orchard, and raises poultry. Mrs. Brown, at the advanced age of 65 is an ardent church worker, also an active member of the Eastern Star, the Rebekahs and several charitable organizations.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (February 7, 1925)

G.A.R. Veteran Celebrates

The Home of William Brown was the scene of a rally this week of the remaining members of the G.A.R. who reside in Santa Cruz, to celebrate with Mr. Brown, in honor of his passing the eighty first milestone in life's busy path.

Some 14 or so guests enjoyed the delicious cakes prepared by Mrs. Brown who has passed the 65th milestone of the journey.

Among the presents were several records of old war songs that were greatly enjoyed on the phonograph, many stories of happenings of the ward says were told by those present and greatly enjoyed.

Mr. Brown is still hale and hearty and does the garden work about his well kept home, which includes gardens, both flower and vegetable, orchard, poultry and rabbits. He also drives his own car and appears to be many years younger than he is.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (February 12, 1928)

Twin Lakes, Seabright and Del Mar News

A number of the members of the W.R.C. and the G.A.R. gathered Sunday afternoon at the home of William Brown of Seventh Avenue to help celebrate the eighty fourth anniversary of Mr. Brown's birthday. A large birthday cake was presented by the Daughters of Veterans and several more cakes and lovely bouquets of flowers were brought by individuals. In the late afternoon Mrs. Brown, assisted by Mrs. Laura Furry, served refreshments to the many f friends who came to congratulate Mr. Brown who is also a member of the G.A.R.

Santa Cruz Sentinel (May 28, 1929)

Nineteen Survivors of the Early Wars Will Be Guests of Honor this Memorial Day

William Brown

A California volunteer enlisting at the age of 20 in the year 1864 at Marysville, California. Outside of being sent down to Arizona to fight the Indians and having to stand guard duty that was not an exciting event, but the California boys were there if they were needed.

The fighting of Indians was more of a matter of vigilant guard and some good sharp shooting. When trying to raid a band of Indians it seemed that as soon as the troop was a day out that every mountain for miles apart were lighted with signal fire and it seemed useless to go further into the hills, as every known position would have been moved before the company arrived.

Mr. Brown left England when 13 years of age, coming to Sacramento around the Horn.

Wednesday will see Comrade Brown busy putting flags in the markers at all the G.A.R. graves, as he is one of the active members of this committee."

Santa Cruz Evening News (May 30, 1930)

GAR Well Represented

William Brown, Seventh avenue, Twin Lakes, was born at Stockport England on February 4, 1844 and came to America with his mother and younger brother when he was 12. From New York they came by way of Panama to Muggins Flat, in Placer county, where they joined his father, who had preceded them by several years.

Mr. Brown enlisted in the Seventh Infantry, Co. B. California volunteers, on October 17, 1864, and served at the Presidio in San Francisco until the end of the war, when he was sent to Arizona to protect the citizens from Apache raids.

When in the spring of 1866 his company was relieved by regulars, Mr. Brown was discharged at San Francisco.

During his service in Arizona he marched four times across the desert between Tucson and Ely City, 150 miles. After the first march to Tucson he was one of ten men sent back for equipment. After traveling all day the party expected to camp at a water hole, but found that Sam Brannan had passed with a herd of stock which had drunk all the water. with only a short rest the detail marched on to Ely City, 75 miles more making it in 24 hours. Corporal Kingsbury was the first to arrive and "Billy" Brown the second. The corporal drew water and went back to meet the soldiers who were faltering along the route. Mr. Brown was at the San Francisco Presidio when the news came of Lincoln's assassination.

Santa Cruz Evening News (July 25, 1932)

William Brown Veteran of the Civil War Dead

William Brown of Twin Lakes died yesterday at the age of 88 years. He was born in England and came to this section of the state 18 years ago from Butte County.

Mr. Brown was a veteran of the Civil War and was a member of the William Sherman post G.A.R. of Oroville.

He had many friends in Butte County and also in this part of the state. He is survived by the widow Mrs. Ida Brown of this city, and a son and daughter in Gridley, Butte County.

The body is at the C.C. Chase mortuary.

Santa Cruz Sentinel? (Date Unknown)

Final Honors Paid W. Brown, Civil War Vet
Son of Forty-Niner, He Enlisted in Union Army in California

Funeral services were held in the Chase mortuary at 2 o'clock this afternoon by Daughters of Union Veterans for William Brown, Civil War veteran who died Saturday at his Seventh avenue home in Twin Lakes after a short illness.

Mr. Brown was born at Stockport, England, February 4, 1844, and came to California with his mother when he was 12 years of age. They joined their husband and father who had come in the gold rush of '49 and settled in Butte County to prepare a home for his family.

When a young man Mr. Brown entered business in Gridley, where he made his home until he and his wife came to Twin Lakes nineteen years ago.

He was a member of the California Volunteer Infantry, Seventh Regiment, Company B. During the war he was stationed at the Presidio at San Francisco and later sent to Arizona to fight the Indians and mustered out in 1855.

Burial at Gridley

Services were held at the Chase undertaking rooms at two o'clock today under the auspices of the W.R.C. and the body shipped to the old home in Gridley, where services will be held at the grave. W.T. Sherman Post at Oroville of which he was a member, will have charge of the services at Gridley. Mr. Brown was one of the charter members of the Gridley post. A few years ago Gridley, Chico, and Oroville united. Membership was so small at these posts that Mr. Brown did not withdraw when he came here, but was a steady attendant at the meetings of Wallace-Reynolds post here.

He is survived by a widow, Mrs. Ida Hill Brown; by two sons, Charles H. and George W. Brown of Gridley: a daughter, Mrs. Ruth M. Ramsey of Stockton; three granddaughters, Mrs. Inez Davidson and Mrs. J.M. Hastings of Biggs, and Mrs.. Charles W. Powers, Stockton; and several great grandchildren.

Death Certificate Notes from Phil Reader

William Brown 88/5/19 July 23, 1932 B. May 4, 1844 Manchester, England
Thomas Brown- Manchester, England Maria Cottrall- Manchester England
Butcher in S.C. 16 in CA 76
Mrs. Ida Brown Rt. #3 Box 223

Date of Birth: 1844-02-04

Date of Death: 1932-23-07

County: Butte

Mortuary: CCC

Spouse: Hill_ Ida

Occupation: Butcher

Local Address: 7th Ave/Twnlks

Last City: Santa Cruz/Grdly

Native of: EN

Father Native of: Thomas (EN)

Mother Native of: Cottrall_ Maria (EN)

Enlisted: 1864/10/19

Discharged: 1866/04/26

Military Unit: CA_ 7 Inf_ Co B

Rank: Pvt

Military Notes: E-Mrysvl-M/O-S.Frncsco

GAR#: WR32

Available records used to obtain information:
Cemetery records
Santa Cruz County death records
Military records
Santa Cruz and Monterey newspapers
Voter Records

CW Reference: W&R 1930 Roster

Creator: Nelson, Robert L.
Source: Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004.
Date: Undated
Coverage: Santa Cruz (County)
Rights: Reproduced by permission of Robert L. Nelson.
Identifier: OS-0117


Nelson, Robert L. “BROWN, WILLIAM (1844 - 1932).” Old Soldier: the story of the Grand Army of the Republic in Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz, CA: The Museum of Art & History, c2004. SCPL Local History. Accessed 25 Oct. 2024.